Chapter 3

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"And the ease dropper returns." I joked.

"Don't think you can escape me that easily." She chuckled as she also added a sugar packet to her hot coffee.

This girl obviously has no problem talking to complete strangers.

I faked a groan which was followed by a small laugh. She placed a hand over her chest and made a goofy face, as if my reaction hurt her feelings.

I giggled and shook my head before beginning to walk back to my seat, quick to want the interaction to end. I don't usually speak to people I don't know, let alone joke with them like this. I guess you can say I'm not exactly the most friendly. Not to add that this girl is basically famous. I'm not sure how I'm holding it together so well. I'm still flabbergasted that she is trying to talk to me.

I speed walked back to my corner at the gate and sipped on my coffee as I scrolled through Instagram to take up some time. I glanced at the time, 3:35 p.m. I slouched back in my chair, not knowing to do with myself for the remaining six and a half hours of airport prison.

A few moments after I sat down, Billie returned to her seat across the row from me. I avoided all possible eye contact to prevent anymore awkward interactions with her.

She didn't say anything after she sat down and I finally got to enjoy being alone like I had wanted since the beginning of this already long day. I placed my headphones back in, still playing her E.P.

"Yo what's your name anyway?" I heard her say over my quiet music, breaking the silence after about an hour of peace and quiet.

I yanked one earphone out so I could hear better before responding, "Josie."

"Josie, hmm. That's a dope name."

"Thanks?" I chuckled.

"I'm Billie." She introduced herself confidently, as if I didn't already figure that out yet.

"Nice to meet you Billie." I smiled, not letting her know that I know who she is.

"So Josie, what are you doing here in New York City?" She continued conversation, leaning on her knees lazily so she was slightly closer to me.

"Uh- not much really. Just visiting some friends. You?"

"Work shit," she said blandly, "you live in LA?"

"Yeah, I do. Just moved out there not too long ago." I slightly opened up to this complete stranger.

"Oh shit, really? Do you like it?"

"I actually do." It isn't often that I truly like things.

"LA is fucking sweet. I'm born and raised."

"Wow, you don't hear that often."

"Nope." She shook her head.

Then there was an awkward silence. I've run out of things to say. I'm not good at this whole conversing thing.

I slowly reached for my earphone once again after a few moments of silence, successfully placing it back in my ear with no further interruptions from Billie. I leaned back to finally relax as I people watched the quick paced human traffic in the hall, still letting Billies music serenade me. Her voice is very soothing.

I noticed the two adults get up from Billies sides and walk away, leaving her sitting alone for the first time in hours. We officially have been waiting for four hours now, which meant we were halfway there.

I began bopping my head back and forth once bellyache, my favorite song of hers, came on.

"Whatever you have been listening to must be good. Lemme see." Billie said as she plopped into the seat next to me.

My phone had been resting on my thigh closest to her, so all she had to do was hit the home button to display what song I was listening to.

"Oh," she chuckled, "it's me."

I felt my cheeks begin to flush out of embarrassment as I looked down at my hands, unable to look her in the face right now.

"So you do know who I am." She sounded almost happy.

"Well at first no." I started.

She looked at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"Wait, shit. I totally didn't mean for that to sound as bitchy as it did." I mentally slapped myself.

"I meant yes I knew of you and your music, but I didn't recognize you immediately." I tried to redeem myself.

A smile began to grow onto her face after I finished explaining.

"Well Josie, we have four hours left in hell here, what do you say we make the most of it?" She smirked.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head, unsure as to where this was going.

"Tell me your story. Let's get fucking deep."

"My story?" I questioned as I chuckled at her request.

"Yeah, your story dude. Like where are you from, what do you do, what makes you you."

"I don't know if I'm comfortable telling some ease dropping stranger my whole life story." I glanced at her as she let out a girly giggle which brought a smile to my face.

Normally I wouldn't give some random person at the airport the time of day, but there's something about her. It's not even the fame, because honestly I could care less about that shit. She's just so intriguing. The way she carries herself, from her fashion to her personality, is so different. Totally not what I'd expect from someone who has such an innocent sound in her music.

"Why do you even care about my story anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Is there something wrong with trying to be social and making friends since we are basically spending the whole day together?" She paused.

"Plus you seemed pretty chill."

I felt my lips tip upwards into a smile as I tucked a loose hair strand behind my ear.

"Pretty chill? Man, I'm the chillest of the chill." I scoffed sarcastically.

Billie rubbed her forehead before shaking her head rapidly, holding an open mouthed grin on her face.

"Dude, just for saying that you lost some cool points in my book." She laughed.

"If I tell my story, I get to hear yours." I stated.


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