Chapter 7

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"Josie, come here! We want you to meet someone!" Eli hollered at me.

I felt a slight panic shoot through my body as I realized the someone they wanted me to meet is someone I already knew and didn't plan on seeing tonight at all.

It was Billie.

I slowly approached the small huddle that has formed between our friends around Billie.

I budded in between Camila and Elijah as I felt my cheeks heating up from my nerves.

"Billie this is our good friend J-" Isaac began to introduce us.

"Josie? What the fuck are you doing here?" Billie said, cutting him off.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Elijah looked back and forth at us, clearly confused.

"Yeah, we met at the airport two days ago." I explained to our friends.

"Damn. Small world." Isaac stated.

I nodded along as I finally brought myself to look Billie in the eyes.

"Hey." I smiled shyly at her.

She opened her mouth to respond, but was quickly interrupted.

"We gotta go dance!" Eli shouted to the group, grabbing my arm and dragging me alongside of him as Sicko Mode by Travis Scott blasted through the speakers.

This is Eli's favorite song right now. That boy is literally obsessed with it, so I wasn't surprised at his actions.

I felt a wave of disappointment go over me as I was dragged away from Billie. She didn't even get the chance to say anything to me. I'm not sure why, but I wanted to do nothing but sit and talk to her right now.

I looked back at her and gave her an apologetic smile as I was dragged into the crowd. She looked a little bummed out as well. I wonder why?

As Eli and I started dancing the rest of our group joined us, besides Billie. I looked around for her and didn't see her anywhere.

Camila came up and started dancing on me as she whispered to me.

"Did you know she was going to be here?"

"Not at all." I chuckled in disbelief of the whole situation.

"Well are you going to talk to her?" She whispered shouted over the loud music.

"If I actually get the chance to, yes."

"Well, go find her!" She pushed me.

"No Mila. I want to have fun with my friends after all that is why we came, right?"

Yes, I wanted to hang out with Billie, but I came to have a fun night and celebrate my new modeling job with my friends. I also wasn't sure if Billie even wanted to hang out with me. She didn't follow us over here to dance and when she saw me I felt a change in her whole mood.

She nodded as the two of us began to dance together.

"Ayyyyy!" Eli and Isaac hyped Mila and I up as we dropped it low together, causing me to laugh.

I was having a really great night. We've just been dancing for hours. Not to add that I am slightly intoxicated so everything is ten times funnier to me.

Camila laughed and then I saw her wiggle her brows at me. I gave her a questioning look as I followed to where she had been looking.

There stood Billie swaying to the beat of the music as she watched Mila and I move intently. I felt my heart begin to race. How long had she been standing there?

"I need another drink, anyone else?" I said quickly, barely even waiting for anyone to reply before I turned and walked away from the group.

I don't know why I panicked like that. What's going on with me? I want to be around Billie, but at the same time her presence makes me extremely uneasy. I'm not quite sure why either. This isn't like me at all.

I pushed through the crowd until I found the keg and refilled my cup with beer.

"Hey." Someone said as they joined me.

I glanced up from the cup I was filling and looked directly into beautiful blue eyes and knew immediately who I was speaking to, Billie.

"H-hi," I stuttered, "Sorry about being ripped away from you earlier."

"You're good. So you and the Bell twins are pretty tight?" She spoke so nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah. I love those boys. They're something else." I chuckled.

"Got that right." She shook her head with a grin on it.

"How do you know them?" I said with my eyebrows scrunched together, actually curious on her response.

I saw her emotion fall flat off her face and change to a sadder expression.

"We met through a-" she paused, "friend."

I wanted to ask more questions, but from her reaction I knew she didn't want to get further into it so I just let it slide.

I nodded to her in understanding.

"Can I steal a sip of that?" She asked referring to my red solo cup that contained shitty room temperature beer.

"Take as much as you'd like." I said handing her the cup.

She took the cup and chugged the remaining of the drink, handing me the now empty cup.

"I didn't know you drank." I chuckled as I held the cup upside down to emphasize her drinking it dry.

"I usually don't if I'm being honest."

I gave her a questioning look, not really believing her after watching her drink the way she had just now.

"Tonight's an exception I guess." She chuckled, regaining her happy attitude.

"Well in that case." I smirked grabbing the keg hose and filling my cup once again.

"Cheers!" I shouted and took a large swig, handing her the cup to finish what was left of it.

She gulped it down and shook her head back and forth while jumping up and down holding a sour expression on her face.

"That shits trash." She laughed.

"It's actually so awful!" I said throwing the cup in the trash.

We both laughed for a quick second then she looked at me with a semi-serious look on her face.

"I really didn't expect to see you here. Like at all." She said to me.

"That makes two of us." I giggled.

"I'm glad I did." She smiled widely at me.

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