Chapter 8

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I felt butterflies in my stomach erupt from her words. I looked down at the ground in attempt to hide my blushing cheeks and smile that was beginning to grow on my face.

What the fuck is going on with me? Why am I acting like such a little bitch around her?

As I looked back up at her I saw her studying my reaction with a smirk on her face, like she was enjoying the weird effect she has on me.

"Me too." I replied shyly.

"Want to go find everyone else?" I asked her, wanting to escape the strange feeling she was giving me.

"Sure." She said as she grabbed my arm and lead me through the packed home.

We found them still out on the dance floor, but a man replaced Danielles spot in the group. She must've left. Camila was now grinding on a good looking brunette haired man.

I looked at Eli and Isaac and mouthed "yuck" to them causing them to break out into a fit of laughter. Billie shook her head and laughed as well.

As a new song came on Billie began to dance along to it. I watched her in awe. It's like the music takes over her body. That girl can move.

I soon joined and so did the twins.

We all danced the night away together and shared many many laughs.

"I think we're gonna head out." Isaac said as we stepped off the dance floor.

"It's getting late, that's probably a good idea." I agreed.

I glanced over to the dance floor where we had left Mila and saw that she and that boy were now sucking faces. I sighed knowing Mila was going to be bringing a guest home with us. This was typical for her.

"I don't think your friend will be going anywhere soon." Billie said to me as she watched the disturbing scene taking place on the dance floor.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, making my way to Camila.

I tapped Mila on the shoulder, not caring about breaking up the make out session that has been going on the past hour. They needed to come out for air soon anyways.

"We're leaving." I said once I had her attention.

She nodded at me and grabbed the handsome mans hand before following me back to our group, dragging him along with us.

"Do you want to come back with us? You can crash at our place." Elijah said to me, knowing what was about to go down between Camila and her boy toy of the night at our apartment.

Eli knows how I feel about this since it happens pretty often. I don't care if Mila hooks up with people at all, I just don't like to be present when it happens.

I wanted to go back to their place, but I felt bad. I hate crashing at other peoples places unexpectedly. I always end up feeling like a burden. Plus I spend the night at the twins way too often, I don't want to overstay my welcome.

"It's cool. Thank you though Eli."

"Are you sure Josie?" He double checked.

"Yes," I laughed, "Let's go."

We all began to make our way out of the chaotic house and out into the refreshing, warm LA air.

"Alright everyone, it's been a fun one!" Isaac said before walking down the drive way to their car.

"Call me if you need anything." Eli said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I will, get home safe!" I shouted as he began to follow his brother.

"Ready?" I said to Camila who could barely keep her hands off the boy she was bringing home.

"Yep!" She drunkenly giggled.

"Our Ubers here." I turned to Billie, beginning to say goodbye.

"Dude, you seriously do not want to go home with that." She said as she referenced to Mila wobbling down the driveway hand in hand with the boy.

"I don't have much of a choice. It happens all the time. It's fine, really." I chuckled.

"Come hang out with me. I definitely think I have a spare couch you could crash on."

"It's late, I don't want to bother you." I said sincerely.

"You wouldn't be." She grinned.

"Man, are you persistent." I rolled my eyes.

"Josie! Come on!" Camila shouted from the Uber.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back.

"Hold on real quick." I held up my index finger to Billie as I jogged down to the car.

"You guys go ahead. I'm going to hang out with Billie for a little. You two be safe." I said through the rolled down window.

"Oooo Billie." Mila winked.

"Shut up," I laughed, "seriously be safe, please."

Then the car drove away from me.

I turned around to see Billie standing halfway up the driveway with a big smile on her face. She began to make her way towards me.

"I'm glad you chose the right option." She boosted.

I rolled my eyes at her playfully.

"Let's go." She said as she lead me to a car with a driver.

The drive was quick, Billie and I's nonstop conversation definitely helped the trip go by faster. 

"Thanks bro!" Billie said to the driver as we got out at an apartment building.

We walked into the beautifully decorated building and headed for the elevator. This place was more like a nice hotel than any apartment building I've ever been in before.

"Hello Ms. Eilish!" A nicely dressed man said from behind the front desk in the lobby.

"What's up Rob!" Billie greeted him.

As we entered the elevator Billie hit the top floor button and the elevator ascended upward.

We got out and walked down the long hallway until we came to a door that had the number eighteen across it. Billie twisted her key in the lock and pushed the door open to reveal a small but nice apartment.

"You live here? Alone?" I questioned her as I looked around.

Although she acts much more mature for her age, she's still only sixteen. My parents had trouble letting me move out on my own and I'm eighteen. They only let me move if I found a good roommate too. I can't believe she stays here alone.

"Yes- well no. Finneas lives here with me too."

"Got ya." I whispered, not wanting to wake him since it's late.

Billie chuckled loudly at me.

"He's not home. He's out for the night." She explained.

"Oh." I laughed awkwardly, slightly embarrassed.

"Give me a tour then." I giggled.

"I think I can do that." She smiled at me.

She showed me the kitchen, bathroom, Finneas's room, and now we stood in the family room.

"This is going to be your room for the night." She chuckled as she pointed to the huge couch that was perfectly in the middle of the room.

"I think this could work." I said sarcastically, since the couch was actually bigger than my bed.

"You think?" She giggled.

"And then this is where the magic happens." She winked as she threw open her bedroom door.

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