Chapter 1: The Interview

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Several months later

New York City 

Monday, 15:45

Her eyes never leaving her book, Sierra Danvers made her way to the kitchen, poured herself some chilling lemonade and went back to snuggle in the warmth of her cozy blanket on the couch. 

Her mind was racing, her heart was with the handsome fictional character. She was so into her thriller novel that she didn't hear the door opening, didn't hear the steps inside, barely acknowledged the silhouette of a teenager passing by her side to head towards the window. 

The girl pulled the curtains, letting the bright sunlight in and blinded, Sierra protested, "Ileana!" Her eyes shut in pain and Ileana Danvers rolled her eyes, a little bit annoyed, "I bet you haven't done a thing the whole day!" 

"Reading is a thing! And..." She memorized the page number she has reached and closed her book reluctantly under the impatient gaze of the girl. "...for your information, miss, I've done some volunteering work at the animal shelter today." 

"Again?! When are you going to get a real job?" 

Sierra stretched her arms lazily, a little thought poking her at the way her niece said those words, "I'm waiting for a call. Why? Is something bothering you?" 

She exclaimed, creasing her fists, "I don't want to move out, Sierra!" 


She explained, trembling as she mustered the courage to finally tell her, "I'm sick of packing my things. Sick of changing schools...and definitely sick of you not being able to pay the rent in time." 

Sierra nodded and pointed towards the kitchen, "There's spaghetti in the microwave." Ileana let out a scowl of frustration as she ignored her so rudely. She tossed her backpack to the settee, removed her hairband to let her hair free and made her way to the kitchen. Why was her aunt always this dense?

Sierra closed her eyes. It was never about the rent. Maybe for once, she could take the risk and stay right here but it won't do. This girl was stuck with her for a while and it wasn't really her fault. She never anticipated that things would turn out to be this way.

The ringtone of her smartphone pulled her out of her thoughts. She answered the unknown number and an unfamiliar female voice responded, "Rose Emerit from the education department of Torres Corporation. Am I speaking to Ms Sierra Danvers?" 


"Good. So, you've applied for the post of mathematics substitute teacher and you've been shortlisted. A 12 p.m. interview is scheduled for tomorrow. Good?" 

The voice of the woman seemed strained and robotic as if she had repeated this phrase a hundred times. "That's...great!" 

"Tomorrow. 12 p.m. Thank you." Before she could thank her back, she already ended the call. Raw and direct. She stared at her phone for a second and then twirled around herself, doing a little dance. 

Ileana asked as she peeped out of the kitchen, "What's up?" 

She musically said, "Guess who landed an interview with Torres Corps!" Her niece's spaghetti slipped from her fork and she exclaimed, "Really!? That's...amazing. Their hospitals and schools are literally ranked top. Oh my God, I'm so happy for you." 

Sierra laughed at her genuine excitement, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I didn't even secure the post yet!" 

"Oh you better!" She pensively said, calculating her future journey. She'd better take a taxi than her untrustworthy car. "I'd probably come late tomorrow. Will you be okay?" 

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