Chapter 31:Half-truth

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Wellbeing Hospital

Ileana walked to Room 12A and was surprised to find another patient resting in the bed instead of her father and a nurse was attending to him, "Oops, sorry!" Both the man and the nurse looked at her inquisitively.

She exclaimed, a little bit flustered, "Uh...there was a man here before?"

The woman laughed, "Oh you're Veronica's little girl. Your dad was moved to Room 7B dear." "Really?" She made her way to the elevator and after a moment she stepped onto another floor and went to find that new room.

This time, she carefully pushed the door open only to catch her parents kissing. Her father on the hospital bed and her mother straddling him. They looked up at her instantly and Veronica awkwardly tore herself away, going red in embarrassment, "Ileana!"

She coughed deliberately, hiding a grin, "Ahem, I see you two are busy. Maybe I'll come back later if you want!"

Mason only laughed as he extended his arms, motioning her to come inside. He embraced her tightly, "My sweet little angel..."

She chuckled as he squeezed her, "Dad, I'm suffocating!" He let her go, caressing her hair. Veronica looked towards the door, "Sierra's not with you?"

Ileana frowned a bit, "No. Why didn't you tell me dad had a major surgery?"

Mason looked at his wife in confusion and she just bit her lips, "Oh my love, I didn't want to make you worry..." So it really was true? Ileana pleaded, "But now you can tell me everything, mom."

Veronica recalled Sierra expressively warning her not to let Ileana on it but looking at her daughter now, she knew something must have happened.

She insisted, sitting on the edge of the bed, beside her father, "I know Sierra paid for it."

Mason pursed his lips, somehow lost, "What does that even mean? Vee?"

She rested her head against her husband's shoulder and sighed heavily, "Without that surgery, you would have died, Mason... If Sierra didn't help us, wouldn' here." She tightened her grip around him, not even imagining a world without him.

Mason put a comforting arm around her and Ileana stammered, "But could you even let her do that?!"

"Do what?"

Ileana gasped, not believing it, "You don't know? Oh my God, didn't you even ask how she got it all?"

Veronica stared at Ileana, "She refused to tell me. Do you happen...?"

"She got Mr Torres. James Torres! She asked for money in return."

Veronica was dumbfounded, taking a moment to process the information. "But Sierra is not-"

Mason grumbled, not quite understanding, "Engaged?! Sierra would never- Who's James Torres anyway? The billionaire? Wait, how much was that stupid surgery?!"

When they refused to answer, he asked again, seriousness edged in his voice.

Veronica said almost in a painful whisper, "1.2's a heart transplant. Of course, it's expensive."

He frowned hard, "You let her go through this ordeal?!"

Ileana gulped, wondering why he was getting so worked up now, "Dad, mom didn't know Sierra would go to such an extreme! And it was to save you!"

He cursed under his breath, sitting up, "Save me? Damn it, she did too much. This is unacceptable. God, I have to talk to her."

Veronica pressed her hand gently on his chest, making him lie back, "Sierra cares for you, Mason. I'm sure she considered the decision a lot before doing something like that."

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