Chapter 28: Just You and Me

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Sierra barely slept last night. Sitting on her bed, unable to finish her bitter coffee, she kept looking at the brief message James sent her last night to reassure her Ileana was safe and still, she kept thinking how she could have avoided all of this. 

She barely registered the sound of the doorbell ringing. She dragged herself out of bed and made her way across the living room, reaching for the doorknob just as it turned and opened by itself. She trembled, seeing him after what seemed so long. 

Her eyes held his as he walked in and she didn't know if she had the strength to get into another argument. "James...I..." 

His eyes softened as he raised his hand and tenderly caressed her cheek, "I know, Sierra." She closed her eyes, leaning into his warm touch and he drew her into his arms. 

She stiffened, realising how much she needed this. She reached behind, her fingers clutching the back of his shirt as she pressed her cheek against his chest, melting in his embrace, in the comfort, listening to his heartbeats. 

Lacing his fingers in her messy hair, he whispered, his mouth grazing her ear, "Let's go...just you and me." 

Her heart leapt in her chest. She stood on the tip of her feet, pressed her mouth against his jaw to softly kiss him, holding him closer for a few more lingering seconds before letting him go. She mumbled, averting her eyes, "I must look like a mess. Give me five minutes."

Sure she looked disheveled. She was still a pleasant sight in his eyes though, especially that she smelt like his favourite coffee. He watched her as she went back inside, savouring her sinful touch. 

They both needed to get away...from the pressure, from the kids, from everything and everyone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey wake up sleepyhead." 

"Go away!" She groaned, grabbed one of the pillows and threw it towards the direction of his voice. 

Jace rapidly dodged it as he balanced the tray he was carrying. He pursed his lips, "Aww, too bad for ya, princess. I guess I'll just eat all the mini donuts myself!" 

She turned on herself, facing him as she opened an eye. He got her interest the moment he said donuts. She looked up and found him carrying a tray. "Scoot over." 

She was delighted at the different flavours. He proudly grinned, "I also brought cookies and juice." She sat properly, took the tray from him and  she began to dig in and he watched her, she reddened. She was really hungry, particular because she skipped dinner last night. 

She swallowed the vanilla donut with chocolate fillings and said, "Thanks Jace...for everything." 

He leaned closed to her and said in a husky voice, "I expect you to give me something in return." He caressed her cheek briefly and she used her arm to push him away, "Hah! Not until return my necklace!" 

He dug in pocket, took out the two little crystals with a mocking look, "Oh you mean this?" 

She haughtily asked as she tentatively bit into a lemon donut, "Do you always keep them with you?" 

He swirled the crystals around his finger and just laughed, "I was waiting for you to come and get it...but you obviously chickened out!" 

"Come again?" She slowly put the tray on the cupboard. 

He tossed them in the air and caught them again, "I said you chic—" She threw the blanket away, leapt at him to snatch the necklaces but he saw this coming. 

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