Chapter 20: First Impressions

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Sunday, 09:30

"Wow...where—where are you going like that!?" 

Sierra hesitated between a step or two before finally standing beside the table and looking at Ileana who was munching on her cereals, expectantly waiting for an answer. It was clear that she was intrigued and surprised right now.

She composed herself and let out, "I got a date." 

Ileana almost sputtered her cereal. That would be the last thing she expected to hear from Sierra. "Really?!"

She only received a nod as a response. She was amazed, "Must be a special hot date if you wanna impress him like that! You're so gorgeous." 

"I...thanks, I guess?"

Her niece cleared her voice, somehow amused, "Do I know him?" 

It was clear that Sierra felt uncomfortable talking about it. She chuckled, "Geez, you look really nervous. Shake it off. He'll be a fool not to instantly like you!" 

"Hope you're right. I might...return a little bit late." 

"It's fine, Sierra. You're going to rock it!"

"See you later then."

She gave her one last long look which only earned her another inquisitive gaze from her niece. Shaking her head, she made her way to the door.

When she stepped outside, she couldn't feel any guiltier than that. She spotted a black limousine parked right in front of her house and a chic driver waved in her direction.

He bowed slightly to her, opening a door in the rear back for her, "Good morning, Ms Danvers. I'll be your chauffeur. Direct orders from Mr Torres. May I comment that you're looking radiant?" 

That could only be James's doing. She tried not to sound surprise, "Er...thank you. But I'll manage." She glanced at her car. It was all good to go. 

The driver looked at her in a confused and outrageous manner, "Please, do not embarrass Mr Torres by coming in that old car. You are his fiancée after all and first impressions matter." 

2012 wasn't that old and arguing wouldn't explain anything.


She slid inside without any further word and a few minutes later, the car engine started. 

She felt the soft comfortable seat under her hands, saw the champagnes chilling in a bucket of ice and the curved TV accompanied by quality speakers that fit a side of the vehicle. It all reflected luxury and yet, she wasn't impressed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Torres Manor, 11:00

People milled around him, sipping champagne and munching on appetizers. There was a live band, playing jazz music on a low platform and some couples, dancing to the sweet song. 

James plucked a flute of champagne off of a nearby server's tray and took a sip. Where the hell was that woman? Those aristocrats were beginning to question him now. He could notice the worry on his mother's face as she approached him.

"Forcing you to marry the woman we chose was definitely wrong, darling. I hope that made the right choice..." 

James grimaced as his mother neatened his tie and caressed his face, a smile lacking on her face. He carefully said, "Something tells me you don't actually appreciate my choice. I saw through the forced acting at the restaurant." 

Carmen sighed heavily, "It's not a question of appreciation. It's the status. Look, Dinah came from a prestigious family. She had the qualities of a good wife and daughter-in-law and that was why we chose her for you. But here, Christopher and I know nothing about Sierra's background. And given that she's working...I don't think her family is well-off—" 

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