Chapter 62: Illusion

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A glow emanating from the midst of these trees caught his attention. He stood instantly, his body tensing. Without hesitation, he jumped over the height, sliding off the dry soil of the slant hill. He gripped the trunk of a tree to stop his descent and he entered the forest. 

Hope ignited in his heart. He didn't know what to expect. It could be a bad idea but that purple glow was the effing cause of all of this. From the height, he had not realize how tall and thick the trees were, how deep this crater of forest was. 

He walked carefully in the dark, paying particular attention to the roots. Thorns stuck to his shirt, and he grabbed the tiny twigs, ignoring the slight pain as he tore them away from him.

Somehow, amidst the nature sounds and the darkness, he knew where to go. He felt guided. Was it instinct? He couldn't be sure. He pushed away some annoying branches, twigs breaking under his footfall as he went further deep. In the back of his mind, he knew he should absolutely turn back before he got lost. Maybe he already was...without her. 

The path lightened up, widening up to a small clearing. His breath caught. His heart pounded in his chest. Not because of the serenity in this corner of paradise which seemed basked in the glow of the purple light...but because she was right there, sitting beside a lake, absently looking into the water, a small precious stone, resting beside her hand. 

Was it a hallucination? He was going mad. Why was God playing with him like that? A knot formed in his throat and his voice trembled as he called out to her, afraid that she might not respond, "Sierra, my love..."

She flinched, turned to him, her eyes going wide with surprise. "James!" In a second, she was on her feet, running to him, flinging her arms around him so hard that he knew...she wasn't an illusion, she was alive. He desperately held her tighter to him, his fingers weaving in her hair to hold her, "Sierra...God, Sierra...I thought I lost you." 

She pulled back to look into his glistening eyes, the grief on his face, the signs of tiredness. She caressed his jaw, gazing at him as if they had been apart for so long. It felt so long. She said, her lips trembling, "I thought I wasn't going to see you again." 

She urgently pulled his head down for a kiss, tears in her pretty eyes, "I love you so much, James! You can't even know." She was alive. She was with him. Warm as always. So beautiful. He kissed her frantically, shuddering as he pulled her even closer, holding her firmly, their hearts pounding against each other. He'd never let her go again now. He'd protect her with everything that he was. 

As she stroked his jaw, angling her head to deepen their kiss, he felt the roughness of her skin. He subtly broke the contact much to her whimper, held her hand to gaze at her palm. He quietly said, pained to see the burnt skin, "I'm so sorry...I should have been with you." 

He kissed her fingers one by one and she softly said, leaning into his comforting figure, "I would have never wanted you to be there at that moment." 

He gazed at her bruised palm again, pressing it against his face as he now gazed into her eyes, so deep she felt vulnerable, "I reach you, Sierra. To stop you from going through this hell. Damn it, you didn't even—" 

She pressed a finger over his lips and said, guilt filling her, "I know everything, James. I saw...everything." 

He shook his head, stepping away from her arms as he turned his back to her and walked towards that stone, "I went through hell. Cursing myself at what you were doing. You can't imagine how angry I was at myself, for letting you go." 

She watched him, her heart weighting heavy. "I know how you felt. The gem showed me everything." 

He stopped, frustrated, "Did it also show you what I would have become without you?" 

It did...and she would have regretted it. He wanted to kick that thing into the water. He asked, glancing at her over his shoulder, "Did it show you how miserable I'd be?" 

"I...I had no choice." She approached him and placed her arms around him as she whispered, "I really had no choice, sweetheart." 

"Sacrificing yourself like that. What were you thinking, damn it?" 

She tightened her grip around him, remembering how scared she had been when she thought the creatures would tear her apart. So close to death. What would have happened had she not accidentally touched the stone? She deserved his anger, his scolding and she was glad she wasn't dead. 

He sighed heavily when she didn't answer, his shoulders slumping in resignation, "I was so scared for you." 

"I know, James. I know!" 

He turned to her, feverishly crashing his mouth against hers. His hand worked on the zip of her royal attire, gently pushing the straps away and the cloth fell at her feet. She shivered in anticipation, her own hands grabbing the hem of his shirt to pull it above his head, breaking their kiss momentarily before he sealed their mouths again. 

He gently raised the tiara from her hair and let it fall beside the gem. She fumbled with his belt but he didn't have the patience for this. Catching her off guard, he raised her in his arms, walked towards an old tree whose branches extended long enough towards the ground and he settled her there, lianas all around them. 

Before she could even adjust herself, his finger hooked against the elastic band of her panty and he tugged hard, ripping it off her body. She gasped, suddenly very aware of the cold but it was not long before he knelt before her, his mouth warming her. 

Her breathing hitched as she threw her head back, her hand instantly grabbing onto his rich black hair. She jerked his head away, blushing with embarrassment, her eyes pleading him not to do that. He smirked slowly, making his intentions clear. His hands firmly grabbed her knees, parting her legs to increase his access. His head dipped, his tongue lashed at her so swiftly. She cried in pleasure, weaving her fingers in his hair, arching her back. 

She felt vulnerable, flustered. Her other hand flew up to desperately hold onto one of the lianas as he caused her body to crave more with his skillful tongue. He tasted, teased her, sending her over the edge as she whimpered in delight, pressing him closer into her. She never knew it could feel so good. She wanted him even more. All of him. Now. Right now.

And as if he knew, he increased his pace, pleasuring her. Her short rasp breaths were sweet sounds to his ears, driving him mad, turning him on. Her legs quivered. She frenziedly cried his name, gripping the vine so hard, tugging at it as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. It abruptly snapped, making her lose balance, her heart skipping a few beats as she toppled over. In an instant, he was on his feet, grasping her waist so tightly, preventing her body from going further down. 

The vine fell heavily at their side as she stared upward at the dense trees, her hair almost touching the earth. They both laughed, relieved. She couldn't see him when she was like that. Instead of drawing her up, he traced his hand up her navel, up her stomach and she winced, trying to remain still, not wanting to fall off the branch. 

She loved the gentle touch of him, the feel of his rough hands on her body as he explored shamelessly. She moaned in frustration. She wanted more. His fingers travelled to her back, caressing her before he finally unclasped her bra, tugging it off. It landed right beside the fallen vine. 

She heard the sounds of his belt as it hit the ground and the dry leaves under his feet as he shifted slightly. He grasped her wrists and pulled her up in a sitting position, burying himself deep into her with a powerful thrust. She almost came again. She wrapped her arms around his back, her soft breasts moulded against his firm chest as he took her hard, deep and wild. 

She pressed her mouth against his neck, kissing him as she lost herself into his embrace, into him. It felt liberating.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Author's Note

Well, ahem, hope you're liking the story so far. Apologies for the late update. I'm having a few minor issues when writing on Wattpad these days. Hope these get fixed soon :/

Anyway, thanks for reading, voting and commenting! I appreciate your love and support. :) 


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