Chapter 12: Stressed

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James was hosting an interesting presentation about the company's future projects with his managers and they were having debates among themselves about what to prioritize and what not. 

He liked arguments but even more, he liked to listen to the opinions of his managers. The more they discussed, the more solutions were found, the more critical questions were raised. There was a need to divert more resources towards his hospitals it seemed...hire more professionals, update the training curriculum of new employees and bring in the latest advanced technology. 

Work should have ended long back but here his people were still strongly engaged with the business.

His secretary suddenly opened the door, ran to him and whispered something in his ear. He instantly clapped his hand once, "Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen. I'm afraid I have to deal with an urgency. I'll see you tomorrow." They respectfully nodded at him, greeting him. 

He hurried off, got in his personal elevator and pressed a button to go up. What has Jace done again? Was he alright? That boy would someday be the death of him. As soon as the door opened, he hassled in his office to find a woman waiting.

As she heard his steps, Sierra turned to face him. He demanded, not bothering to even greet her, "Where's Jace? What's up with him?" "You tell me." The coldness in her voice could move any men and he slowed down to analyse the situation. She was crossed. Definitely.

Darn. Seemed Jace must have done something bad again. But he was familiar with his son's notoriety and he knew how to handle angry teachers and Sierra would categorically not be a problem. 

He calmed himself, acting professional above all, "Look Ms Danvers, appointments exist. You can't just barge in like th—" 

"And you can't just barge in my life like that, Mr Torres." He was surprised she just snapped. Where was that patient smile of hers? 

She explained, not hiding her frustration, "Today, a colleague brought coffee for me in the classroom and your son had the guts to tell him to stay away from me. How right is that?" 

James crossed his arms, frowning a little, "It's definitely wrong. I don't pay you to have coffee and chit-chat when you should work." 

She corrected, looking at him straight in the eyes, "It was break time. I had the students stay to complete homework they didn't do." 

James thought it was something serious but now he was just...annoyed. She inhaled to speak again and he raised his hand, stopping her, "You can't disturb me for something so petty. I have thousands of works which are dying for my attention right now. If you have nothing more important to add, then leave." She should leave before he'd do something which they'd both regret. It was not fair that she was still so beautiful even though she was angry.

She walked up to him, grabbed his arm and said, "During break time, I went to a cafeteria with the same teacher. A motorcyclist came, grabbed a milkshake, poured it on the poor man's head and threw the cup at him. He rode the same motorbike as Jace's and wore the same exact helmet." 

He was not liking that at all. His son would not go to such an extreme, eh? "If you did not see him, you can't just assume it's my son." 

"I know it's him, Mr Torres or else I wouldn't be here." 

He defended, "If you haven't got solid proof, then it's not him." 

She suddenly gripped his collar and pulled him closer to her, "Very good, Mr Torres. Please, continue to ignore your son's actions. It'll sure make him a better person." Her sarcasm was like a slap in the face. He could see how upset she was, how bothered she looked.

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