Chapter 7: Let's Ride, baby!

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He rolled his eyes, "It's not a thing. It's a Suzuki GSX250R." 

She gawked at him, wondering what alien code he just told her, "I'm not going to sit on that... thing. I don't trust you with my life!" 

He was amused, seeing her so doubtful. He grabbed her wrist again and pulled her closer, making her collide with his body, "Come on, sunshine! It's fun." She held her breath, looking right in his eyes as she drew herself away, flustered, "Doesn't seem to be. You know...I'll just, ugh, maybe I'll just head back to the metro." 

He haughtily said, a smirk appearing on his face, "So you're that kind of chicken?" 

She frowned at him, gritting, "I'm not getting on that bike, you dork!" 

"Not even for the champion?" 

"Your ego has gone up your head." 

He leaned against his bike, "I can stay here all day and argue with you, princess. The movie starts in ten minutes and I swear, you'll make me miss it. You don't want that, huh?" 

"You just...go by yourself or pick another girl!" She pointed towards the many girls who were laundering around the school's vicinity and with a groan, he quickly placed his hands on her waist, raised her up effortlessly and lowered her on his motorbike. She just realized how strong he was at that moment. She yelled, "You don't even have tickets, you degenerate! I don't want to ride with you on this bike!" 

He alarmingly clamped his hand over her mouth and emphasized, "You have to try to know. You can't just assume things like that. Do you understand?" She nodded, panic visible in her eyes. She was surprised to hear authority in his voice. She gripped his arm, pulling his hand off her mouth. 

He warned, "Not another word." He slowly pushed her hair back and gently made her wear the helmet, adjusting the strap for her and finally lowered the face shield, "That's my good girl." 

She grumbled, "I'm already regretting this."

 He tsked and sat before her. "Don't tell me, there's no safety belt." 

He chuckled, "Don't be ridiculous." He slammed his key in his bike, revved the engine to life, pulled on the throttle as he simultaneously released the clutch and within seconds, the motorbike accelerated. 

She instantly gripped him, almost choking him and she shouted, "If I fall, I'll kill you!"

She tightly closed her eyes, her arms around him. God, she was trembling like a leaf. She didn't want to but that was scary. That was the first time she was sitting on a moving motorbike and she was so afraid she'd fall. It was not cool at all and he was going so fast. She didn't dare open her eyes. She could hear the sounds of vehicles buzzing by sharply as he overtook them. Dangerous. Her grip never loosened, it was still tight.

Damn, if she continued this way, she'd probably tear his shirt. Was she really scared? He thought she was exaggerating at first but then somehow he knew, deep inside him that it might not be the same act other girls have put up to hold him. He held her hand and exclaimed, "Open your eyes, Ileana!" 

In contrast to her cold ones, she mildly enjoyed the warmth of his hand over hers. It was so strange. "Never!" Her voice shook, barely audible as he drove against the wind. He slowed down and reassuringly said, "I'll hold you. Just look for once." 

She peeped, open her eyes slowly, still holding him. The breeze was quite nice against her body now. They passed by a pizzeria and it smelt so good. It was just another feeling. Her heart thumped hard in her chest. She allowed her eyes to wander as he drove at a moderate speed... 

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