Chapter 34: Silence!

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Hannah was checking in her boss' schedule with a frown. He was supposed to have a meeting with an important acquaintance of his but the woman was not yet here. The latter didn't even bother to call the office to inform if she was going to be late or not. 

With a sigh, she held her receiver, about to dial the woman's number when the door to the end of her office opened and the devil walked in, a lollipop in her hand, wearing her signature leather jacket and black jeans. 

Hannah disapprovingly looked at her, "Ms. Donovan. I'm glad you actually made it in time." 

Kaitlyn Donovan Reyes, a private investigator flashed a smile at her, "Aww, something tells me you're not really that glad to see me, Hannah." 

She shrugged, "Well, it's nothing personal but your arrival usually announces trouble for the company." 

Always blunt and straightforward. "And...I'm here to fix that!" 

"I hope so. Just go in. Mr Torres is waiting for you."

Kaitlyn pushed the door, entered James' office, as usual, seeing him absorbed in his paperwork, "Geez, your secretary always gives me the cold shoulder!" 

James arched an eyebrow, pleased that she actually came. He knew she was quite busy with solving her cases. Demand for her especially increased since she saved the city from the attacks of a pyromaniac. 

He stepped away from his desk towards her and she hugged him, "I heard you're engaged?" 

"And I heard you're married?" 

Her eyes narrowed at him, "I'm still mad you didn't attend my wedding." She popped her lollipop in her mouth and crossed her arms over her chest. 

He smiled a little, "I was in Sydney on business." 

"Workaholic, you're forgiven. Anyway, what's it gonna be this time? Company fraud? Employee theft? Shady business partners?" 

He gestured her towards a seat but she refused, preferring to remain standing. He settled back to his chair, "It's actually a personal matter." He noticed the amusement and surprise that flashed in her eyes and he pursed his lips, "About my fiancee, Sierra Danvers."

A teasing smile crept on her lips as she nodded, "What exactly do you want to know?" 

"Her background. Conduct an intensive investigation on her. I have reasons to believe she's not who she's pretending to be." 

Now he really surprised her. She knew James wasn't the kind of man to actually pry in someone's life. She shook her head, leaned against his desk, "Pretending? What do you mean? You gotta be more specific."

He drummed his fingers impatiently on the arm of his chair, "Fine. She's keeping things from me. Serious things. I need to know what."

"Why don't you just ask her? You should learn to trust your partner, silly." 

He sighed, "It's complicated. She's not willing to open up to me. She thinks it's best I don't know." 

Kaitlyn paused for a moment, reading his expression. He seemed to really care about that woman. She had never seen him so concern before. She said carefully, choosing her words well, "I'll tell you something, James. If she really thinks it's best you don't know, then it's best you don't. I've seen many cases like that...and it doesn't end up well if some secrets are uncovered." 

He glared at her, feeling the frustration building within, "Are you going to help me or not?" 

She firmly said, not hiding her disapproval, "You're my friend and I really care for you. But if that's what you want, fine. Don't say I didn't warn ya." She plopped in one of the seats, tossing the stick of her sweet in the far dustbin and said, "Start by telling me everything you know about her and I'll get started." 

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