Chapter 67: Fantasy

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"Wait, wait, wait! Let me recap. You and Jace were kidnapped and used as blackmail to lure in our Maths teacher who happens to be the duchess of whatever island. You were locked in a dungeon along with some zombies until an assassin came to free you and was escorted out by your dad and James Torres, who is...let me emphasize, our CEO... Not only that, Kaitlyn Donovan, that detective who gets psychos arrested was with you?!! Are you high or what?!" Nelly incredulously said, slamming her hand on the cafeteria table, munching on her apple.

Ileana nodded, "Yeps, pretty much that!"

Nelly laughed, "Oh stop playing with us, girl! There's no way we're gonna believe that fantasy crap! We're not stupid, right Char?"

Charlotte drooled, "I'm more interested at the part where our Maths teach falls in love with Mr Torres...I was really pairing her with Mr Stone! But she does look perfect with Mr Torres as well..."

Ileana scoffed, biting into her muffin, "I think we really should start talking about exams...I'm so nervous! It's just a few days away."

Nelly grimaced, "Ugh, no! Exams should never be a topic of convo!"

Charlotte grinned, "But Ileana, you missed something in your story..."

She was surprised, "You believe me?!"

She laughed, "Of course not, but you forgot to mention what you and Jace did together in your fantasy!"

She exclaimed, baffled, "No."

Nelly saw how she turned red and laughed, "Oh my god. Don't tell me you like him!?"

She openly pointed to where Jace was sitting along with his friends and the cheerleaders and Ileana quickly grabbed her hand and shoved it down on the table, "No! I don't like him. In fact...he stopped looking at me..."

Nelly and Charlotte shared an inquisitive look among themselves.

Ileana couldn't help but gaze at him. He was wearing his basketball jersey and shorts. He was laughing so freely there. Did his wounds fully heal? She sighed, "He said he'll stay away from me...that the challenge was over, that he'd no more look out for me..."

Charlotte clasped her hand tightly and comforted her, "We've been there, Ileana! Jace's a playboy! Don't tell me you did things with him? You're not telling us everything!"

She recalled his body pressed against her, his hot mouth firm and rough against hers and she shuddered, embarrassed, "God, story time is over!" She tried to recompose herself, "Was it good anyway?"

Nelly sighed exasperatedly, "Darn, you wasted our whole lunch with a made-up fantasy!"

She lightly joked, "But you must admit it sounds...pretty real?"

"Not even close!"

She missed school yesterday because the plane landed around noon. She was so exhausted that she slept the whole afternoon at Sierra's place. As from today however, things were going to be more different.

She'd go back to live with her parents. Her father in particular was really excited to catch up on the quality family time. She sighed heavily. She loved them so much but she also loved Sierra...and well, the latter was moving in with Mr Torres today.

She smiled when she recalled Sierra being nervous when she was packing her things in huge boxes this morning. She had to remind her that they were getting late for school and she should probably do this after dropping her there.

During the travel, she had asked Sierra almost everything she could think of about royalty. It was so fascinating to learn how different their lifestyle was. Right now, her aunt might probably be back to her cartons.

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