Chapter 36: Searing Coffee

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Sierra was chatting with two teachers in the staff room, neatly noting down the activities they would be doing for the fancy fair in her writing pad. Their attention suddenly focused behind her and they promptly excused themselves. 

Wondering what took on them, she curiously turned around to come face to face with Driscoll. No wonder. Sierra cleared her voice, "While you're here, Ms Driscoll, which activities are you supervising for the fundraiser?" 

She didn't look happy, "You dared complain to me to the principal?" 

Sierra forced a smile, "Surely, this is a misunderstanding. I just went to talk about my terms of contract." 

She rolled her eyes, coming closer to her, eyeing her distastefully, "He asked if I could finish my one week leave and I said no. And now you're without a job. Oh you poor pathetic thing...quit messing with me, Danvers. You don't know what I'm capable of. I could finish your career as a teacher in just one snap. How dare—" 

Henry exclaimed as he barged in the conversation, "Hey Maria, don't talk to her like that!" 

She glared at him and he took a careful step back, "Look...just calm down. Why don't you girls resolve this issue over a nice cup of coffee?" 

Maria stated, "I only drink real coffee, idiot. Ugh, can't even work peacefully. I'm going to get rid of you, Sierra." Her eyes bore through hers menacingly.

Sierra frowned, "Henry, hand that over to the principal for me, will you? I'm taking the day off." She handed the notes to him and stormed away, passing by Maria, slamming the door of the staff room behind her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ileana saw Sierra furiously stomping away. She looked really bothered and angry. What happened to her? Nelly suggested, biting into her chocolate bun, "I bet this must be the witch's doing. She must have threatened her again." 

Charlotte shook Ileana, making her backpack strap slip from her shoulder, "What are you waiting? Go console your aunt!" 

Ileana gulped, straightening herself, remembering what happened last night, "But the bell already rang and...we haven't talk properly for days..." 

"You stupid, go after her. This is the time to make peace!" They pushed her and letting her nervousness aside, she ran to catch up with Sierra.

How could she walk so fast? She was already getting in her car and Ileana miserably watched her go as she sped away. Damn, she really must be annoyed at something. She caught her breath for a moment. She missed her so much. How she wished she hadn't push her away so brutally... She'd been so awful to her. 

She missed her smile and her comforting arms...but she wasn't even related to her. What right did she even have to talk to her now? 

She heard the familiar tone of a message coming in and she checked it out. It was from the playboy. Meet me at the parking, near the oak tree in five minutes. It's important. She sighed. Ugh. What did he want now? 

Philosophy classes might have already started and she didn't want to be late. She tried to call him but he wasn't answering. To hell with him. 

She walked back to her class where she could hear Arnold, her philosophy teacher speaking in his usual grumbling voice. Thoughts rushed in her mind. What if Jace was in trouble? What if it really was important? 

She rushed back, joggling in the corridors where students were still lazily loitering around. She ran outside, making her way to the parking where the teachers' cars were parked. She stood beneath the oak tree, holding her bag strap tightly with one hand. 

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