Chapter 17: No Choice

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Sierra asked her taxi driver to wait and she inhaled deeply as she looked at Torres' house. She walked up to the porch, pressed the doorbell and right away, the door opened widely. She stumbled back, surprised. 

It was only Jace. He had his helmet with him and he smiled vaguely, "Oho, what's my favourite teach' doing here at this time of the night, mmh?" 

She looked at the helmet he was holding and asked, "And you're going somewhere at this hour?" He grinned, "Clubbing." 

She sighed heavily, "Jace..." He laughed at her reaction as he walked out, "It's fun I swear. I can't help it." 

She was agitated, "There could be dangerous people there, doing I don't know what and what. You could get sick. It's not safe." 

"I've gone there a thousand times. Don't worry about me." "How can I not? Just look at you. Did you even inform your father?" 

He whispered with a wink, "He probably thinks I'm going to Sam's place to watch football." "What?" "Haha. I'll get going. Have to pick up a girl. Enjoy a hot night with dad." 

"It's not—" 

"I'm totally okay with it." 

She reddened, "But I—" 

"You'll find him upstairs in the furthest room as you take the right side of the corridor." 

"Oh okay. Thanks?" "You're welcome." "Don't come late alright?" He just waved at her, not promising anything.

She watched him as he jumped on his motorbike and drove away, a loud engine roar trailing behind him. Such a reckless boy... How could James just let him go like that? He'd end up getting in serious trouble one day. 

She walked inside, closing the door behind her. It was quite quiet here. She followed Jace's instructions and made her way upstairs, looking at the abstract paintings. She hadn't even visited this grand house, she realised. And there were so many things to that flawless mini car collection! 

The cars were displayed on a glass shelf artfully fixed to the wall. They were so neatly arranged that she was tempted to hold one. Better not. She made her way to the last room, widely guessing it was his study. 

Sweet. She could hear some lounge music playing in the background. She gently rested her hand against the wooden door and paused for a moment, crazy thoughts rushing through her mind. Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. She still had time to go back and figure something else. 

"Come in, Sierra." 

She was startled as she heard him call her. She pushed the door open, "How did you know it's me..." Her words trailed off as her eyes landed on him. A knot formed in her throat. That was not good. Her heart leapt in her chest, racing excitedly at such a sight.

His shirt was wide-opened, revealing a well-defined chest with six-pack abs. Lying on an exercising bench, his muscles flexed as he was lifting a barbell. His eyes were closed and she was thankful for that. 

He roughly said, not bothering to look at her, "I clearly told you by latest 7." 

He was so hot. "I..." All she had recited to herself at home...she forgot it all, in that instant. God. She couldn't resist looking at his muscles contracting and expanding as he raised and lowered the barbell in perfect movements. It almost seemed to be effortless. 

That was so distracting. He had a goddamn Greek god-like body. 


Sierra bit her lips, knowing how red she was right now. She approached him, dying to do this little something. Though she shouldn't. Though she mustn't. She reached out to him.

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