Chapter 40: Dolce Cafe

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As she neatly arranged blueberries on fresh creamy tarts, Josephine allowed her attention to wander for one minute, wanting to keep an eye on Ileana. 

Yesterday, the girl had come here ten minutes earlier but she was so foully smelling like seawater that she had forced her to stay in the kitchen and do only the dishes much to the girl's disappointment. 

Today, she looked much more presentable and active. She looked out of the one-way window and saw her speaking to some customers, scribbling in a small notebook she was holding. 

She then moved to another table, did the same thing and rapidly made her way to the kitchen. Hah, looked like she was finally getting the hang of it. It was high time for her to step up the level.

Ileana fetched the right ingredients and poured them in the milkshake machine as Gregory has carefully taught her. While the machine did its work, she rushed back to the large fridge, taking out macaroons. 

She began filling a 12-piece box and when she tied the ribbon, Josephine walked up to her and snatched the little notebook, "We don't have time for that here!" 

She bit her lips, "It...helps me a lot!" 

She flipped though the dozens of pages where orders were written and she shook her head, "Girl, you spend five minutes per table only to write. Ain't got time for that, understand?" 

Ileana grumbled, "This is so not fair!" 

"If you're taking twelve orders, you're taking up an hour and I'm not paying you for writing when you can easily remember. Now be a dear and hurry up or it'd be too beat up." She gestured towards the blender.

Meanwhile, James parked his Jaguar a short distance from the chic café, thankful he got a spot right there. 

As he stepped out, closing his door, he spotted the gorgeous woman leisurely walking up the path. Their eyes met in a longing and he walked to her as she stopped beside the café's door, waiting for him.

"Well, aren't you early?" 

Sierra smiled at him, acknowledging, "So are you, mister." 

He stepped forward, cupping her face to kiss her and before he could do so, an old lady bumped against him, "Ugh watch out, young man!" 

James promptly excused himself and pushed the door open for her to let her in, "My apologies. Your order's on me, ma'am." 

She beamed at him, slowly making her way inside as he held the door for her and then Sierra moved, briefly caressing his jaw, "Well, aren't you a gentleman?" 

"Did you doubt?" 

She giggled, interlacing their fingers as she gently pulled him to the furthest table. Was the café always this full? She guessed it was peak hour. Even the tables outside were taken. He took a seat on the couch fixed to the wall, drawing her next to him. 

She asked as he studied the double-page menu, "I guess you didn't call me here just for that coffee?" 

"Mmm...of course I did. How about we try this?" 

Did he just sidestep her question? She slid closer to him, taking a look at the available patisseries and drinks, glancing up as she saw the old woman sitting one table away from theirs. The latter made an excited wave at them, motioning to them where she was sitting and Sierra grinned, waving back to her. 

As James was scrutinising the menu, she whispered in his ear, "Something tells me your sweet lady will empty your wallet, James." 

He teased, "Ah? But you're the one treating us, right?" 

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