Chapter 42: Holding Back

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After long patient minutes, Jace managed to finish it all. "That wasn't hard, see?" 

"Yeah right..." 

She handed him the aspirin and a glass of water. Without complaining, he took it and gulped down the water. "Now can I have my dessert, please?" She handed him the box. He opened and his eyes sparkled in delight as he found a mini croissant, a fruit tart, a chocolate muffin and a cinnamon roll. "This is too good." 

He picked up the fruit tart, removed a strawberry from it and made her eat it. It was so delicious. She laughed softly, "This is yours. Don't feed me." 

"Your loss." 

She asked for the thermometer and he gestured towards a drawer. She went to fetch it and then glared at him, "It's still new?! You didn't even check?" He ignored her, munching happily on his tart. 

Frustrated, she took it out of its box, out of its safety plastic and walked back to him. She read the instructions on the box and handed it to him, "Under your tongue. Three minutes." "I'm fine, princess. There's no need to check anything." 

"Don't annoy me, Jace. Just do it." She was nervous. What if it was serious? Should she call a doctor? If Mr Torres was here, at least...he would know what to do with this reckless son of his. Jace put it in his mouth and slumped on the bed, already bored after the first thirty seconds. She checked the time in her phone, waiting for the long minutes to pass. 

She then leaned close to him, taking the thermometer from him to read the number. "38.9?! That's too much!" 

She stood and firmly said, "I'm...telling Sierra. She'll take you to the hospital!" 

He held her arm, "There's no need to. I'm alright." She climbed on the bed, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead and said, "I shouldn't have let you eat all those ice-creams...! It was stupid of you to try all those flavours." 

He hid a smile, "I liked the strawberry one more. And you?" 

"I only had a vanilla...unlike you." She expelled a heavy breath, looking at him. Why was he so gorgeous? He held her shoulders and gently pushed her away, "Don't come close." 

"It's not contagious!" 

He incredulously looked at her. She shrugged, reddening slightly, "Well some fever are. Some aren't. And yours isn't." She knew nothing about it and yet, she was insisting and she didn't even know why. 

"Does that mean you want to come close?" 

A heat of embarrassment flushed on her cheeks. She wasn't even sure why she was behaving this way. She shook her head firmly, trying to ignore that smug look on his face, "No. It's...getting late. I have to go. Sierra's waiting too. Promise me you'll have some rest and you won't drink anything except water or juice." 

He glanced at the clock. It was already 8. When did time fly so fast? She added, "See you tomorrow." 

He quickly moved, catching her hand, "Stay with me." 

She bit her lips nervously, "No." 

"Why? It's not contagious, you said." 

", I have to go back home." 

"It's late. I can't let you go." 

"Don't worry. Sierra's here." 

"No, stay, princess. Don't leave me like this. I'm sick." 

He was being so dramatic. She let him pull her to him and her shoulders slumped in defeat, "Fine. I'll tell Sierra about it. I'll be in the guest room." 

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