Chapter 57: Royal Duty

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Nathan landed the jet smoothly on the track. It wasn't a busy airport. He knew that too well. She had fallen asleep on the seat and he had not dare wake her up. Somehow he figured out Sierra was troubled with something but she had refused to elaborate on it. She was so determined though. 

He was beginning to think it was wrong on his part to have fly her here. He directed the jet to the garage where dozens of planes belonging to the royal family were parked.

She stirred in her seat, absently gazing at the other planes while Nathan halted the engine and customarily said, "Welcome back to Isle del Salvadora. Local time, 19:38 and the temp is 27℃." 

She shifted, gathering herself and then sighed, thinking about what was awaiting her. Nathan studied her, "I won't question your decisions, Sierra. Just be careful, alright?" 

She nodded, holding his arm reassuringly before she stood and made her way back to the main compartment. The door opened and the stairs unfolded before her. He came to join her, sliding his hands deep into his pockets as he watched her go but the moment she set foot on the ground, they both heard fast steps. 

Sierra stepped back, stunned as several men surrounded her. She recognised their dark blue and white uniform instantly. One of them marched forward, firmly saying, "Your grace, you're coming with us."

Nathan was protectively at her side in a second, clenching his fist as he ordered her, "Get back on the jet, Sierra." 

She exclaimed, not hiding the panic in her voice, "'s alright! They're the royal guards!" 

One of them spoke again, "Step away from her, stranger. Right now." 

She took a step towards them and said in a clear voice, "Leave the man out of this. He's only my pilot." She then whispered, "Go now. I'm in good hands. Thanks for everything." 

He wasn't sure if it was alright to leave her here but when she pleadingly looked at him, he nodded. "Call me if you need anything, duchess." 

They were frowning at him, waiting for him to make a move and shaking his head at them, he did, getting back on the plane. They stayed there till he started the jet again.

As soon as it was flying, the guards seized her arms brutally and made her walk till the limousine that was waiting for her. The chief angrily said as he walked in front of her, leading his troop, "By order of his highness, Duke Mathias, swear that you won't attempt any escape." 

She struggled, trying to break free, "I'm here on important business! I have to be somewhere else!" 

"Silence! The duke demands your presence immediately." 

She furiously yelled as the chief opened the door of the limo for her, "As your duchess, I order you to release me right now." 

The guards stopped, maintaining their firm grips on her, looking at their chief for guidance. The man frowned severely, "I must apologise, your grace...but your orders come second to that of his highness." 

She was stunned. Without listening to her anymore, they shoved her inside the car and barely did they slam the door that it started moving. The guards' own vehicles soon drove around the limo like a shield, or more like a prison. 

Her heart was pounding fast. This was not what she was here for... 

Ileana, Jace... God, the children needed her right now...but there was no escaping, not till she met her father. How was she going to face him? The very thought of that made her nauseous. After all these months, she felt the shame and fear intensifying more than ever. She should have known this would happen.

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