Chapter 64: The Cheque

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"Will this do, my lady?" 

Kaitlyn arched an eyebrow at the way the anxious guard referred to as he presented her with a motorbike she has requested, "Please call me, Kaitlyn." She didn't want to drive a car back to the airport, nor did she want to be escorted by some royal guards. 

Guess, she'd have to make do with this vehicle which awkwardly resembled to those of the police's back in New York. Except for the colours. Smooth black with a few distinctive golden borders as well as the Salvador's royal emblem. 

She already took her place on it, refused the helmet and as she twisted the key, making the engine roar, someone called out to her. "You're leaving already?" 

She chuckled as James approached her, "You just couldn't wait to get back in a suit, could you? That's so you." 

He shrugged, grabbing the helmet from the guard, "What can I say...other than you're right. Kaitlyn, there's no direct flight to New York. Just...wait till the evening. My private plane will take off then." 

She laughed, "Oh no. Don't bother about me. Tyler's already waiting for me at the airport." 

He arched an eyebrow in amusement, "He's here?" She reddened instantly. Yes, Tyler was crazy enough to do something as irrational as that when he was worried. 

She bit her lips and explained, "He just landed half an hour ago. Guess he's a bit...annoyed? Mmh,  enraged is the word. I'll have to fix that." 

"He has every reasons to be, given how careless you are." James gently tucked a few strands behind her ear and made her wear the helmet, smiling warmly at her, "I don't know how to thank you, Kaitlyn." 

She held his arm, returning the smile, "Just send some chocolates...and my wedding invite should be delivered to me by hand by both you and the duchess." 

He laughed, "You have my word. Take care, detective. Convey my greetings to Tyler. It's been a while since I saw him." 

She grimaced, "Of course since you both are hella busy with your work. See you around, James." He watched her sped away a few seconds later. She was really something else.

"Sir." He turned to face another guard who walked towards him, "His highness requires your immediate presence. If you may kindly follow me." 

"Alright, lead the way." He has not really spoken to the duke since he brought Sierra back here. He did share a few words with duchess Elisa and the woman was charming, elegant and regal. Maybe this was where Sierra got her graceful poise. He could not say the same for the duke though. In fact, he was disgusted at the man for easily giving up on her.

Soon, he was in the man's study. To his surprise, it had quite the modern look with a touch of royalty here and there. He'd never think this man was as much as a businessman as he was. The guards remained outside as he walked in, offering a handshake, "Mr Salvador, I believe we have things to discuss." 

Mathias scorned a little at the way he addressed him but it didn't matter. "Indeed, Torres." His grip was as firm as James'. He stood from his desk, walked around to a wall where there was a large painted portrait. James stood by his side. Mathias said, pride in his voice, "This is my great great great great grandfather, Torres. At the time, the man was king. My lineage is a strong one. Then, when the stone was discovered, for safety purposes, we downgraded our monarchy, reduced our importance to the world, swearing that it may never fall in the wrong hands. Being a duke or a duchess is just a façade to who we really are. The Salvadors have always protected the world against the greed of people. Many have sought fragments of the stone before Burrell." 

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