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"What the fuck just happened?" Seokjin turned to Wonho who looked over Taehyung on the bed. Nothing seriously wrong with him but he had passed out from the earlier events. Walking out and shutting the door, Wonho rubbed his face and shook his head. He really couldn't explain what happened.

Taehyung healed Jungkook. Actually put his hands on the male and soon the wound was closing up? Not fully but was enough to stabalize Jungkook and enough for Jungkook to heal himself which wouldn't take that long considering he was an alpha and they healed faster than any other ranks.

Wonho walked into the pack room where Hoseok and Jimin sat in as Seokjin seated himself soon after. All of them quite as they didn't know what happened. Jimin arrived a little later than everyone else but was able to see Taehyung healing Jungkook just before he passed out. "Purple." Jimin spoke out. "His eyes.. were purple." Jimin gulped.

"I don't know about you guys and i've seen my fair share of us, there was never one with purple eyes. Purple eyes don't even exist in our kind! do they?" Seokjin asked, freaked out by it all as Wonho stopped everyone from speaking. "Yes. There is one story i've heard of who lived with purple eyes but- it's... it's impossible." Wonho tried to convince himself it was not what he thought.

"What? What story?" Jimin asked in confusion as Hoseok and Seokjin stilled, the story coming to mind. "Kim Youra. The former luna of the pack before any other luna." Hoseok tried to explain but stopped himself, Jimin furrowing his eyebrows. "Spit it out will you?!" Jimin became impatient. "Kim Youra was the best luna anyone ever had.. so told. Youra was a rare omega that most people wanted. She gave birth to a boy but on the same night an attack on the pack happened. Many people died and... and so did the luna, alpha leader and what they assumed was the baby." Seokjin spoke out slowly.

"But they never found the baby. The body was gone with no trace and they searched for days- but no scent or trace was left." Wonho explained to Jimin who let his mouth drop. "And... and you think... Taehyung could be?" Jimin stopped himself as Seokjin shook his head. "I was just a kid but I remember how bad it was. My mother died that night. I remember hiding underground with every other pup there. It was bad... so bad. It's impossible that Youra's son was able to escape as a hour old baby."

"It's been twenty four years. Taehyung is twenty four with the first name as Kim. Coincidence?" Wonho asked the three boys gathered. That was able to shut them up and think over the situation. "December thirtieth nineteen ninty five." Taehyung stepped out from the hallway, his eyes glossy as he looked at the boys who were at lost of words. "Was that the night?" Taehyung gulped. "Was that the night Youra's son was born?" Taehyung sucked in a breath.

An hour passed and Taehyung had told Wonho, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin about how he grew up. From when he was just a baby, being raised by his parents at three months but was adopted officially by eight months to when he turned sixteen and was 'diagnosed' with a 'disease' that was yet to be cured to now. "You're the son of Kim Youra and Kim Korain." Wonho looked at Taehyung who gulped.

Just a day in and this all happened. Nothing was scarier than this. The emotions Taehyung were feeling were undescribable and he just couldn't take in anymore information. Leaning forward, Taehyung rubbed at his temples and rocked back and forth a bit. "What the fuck is happening to me." Taehyung whispered to himself.

Wonho watched Taehyung with an aching heart for the boy. He couldn't believe being so lost about what he truly was. The amount of stress Taehyung was under and now he just found out his parents died over an attack? "How was I able to heal that- that guy?! Are werewolves into some witch craft too?" Taehyung asked, raising his head.

"That- that we can't do but this has to have come down from your family genes. Your mother had purple eyes and was a powerful omega. A goddess if you may and she or your father could have had something else that ran in the family that was similiar to what you are now." Wonho watched Taehyung stare at the coffee table and shake his head. "And this feeling? I feel different. Like, I need something, or i'm missing something. I can't shake this feeling off."

"The pills are wearing off. I mean how else would you have been able to heal Jungkook? Though I thought it would have taken a little longer- or, hell this is confusing." Hoseok sat back, sighing as Jimin rubbed at his thigh. "I think it's your wolf Taehyung. The pills could have caused a problem with you and your wolf. You won't feel complete until you have your wolf." Wonho stood and looked at Taehyung who nodded.

"And how do I get him? my wolf- how do I communicate with this?" Taehyung asked, wanting the feeling to go away. At this point he was willing to just down all his pills and not suffer with all the mixed emotions he was feeling. "Again, it might be the pills causing the delay of your wolf reaching out to you." Wonho spoke to Taehyung who sighed knowing he had to wait for his wolf to come out from playing hide and seek.

"I'm off to see Jungkook. Jimin, take Hoseok home to rest and Seokjin make sure everyone is on their rounds for tonight." Wonho grabbed his jacket as Taehyung stood up. "May I come? I... I'd like to see what I did? or I-"  Wonho stopped Taehyung from trying to explain as he nodded. "Let's go." he motioned Taehyung to follow and so Taehyung did.

"Hoseok, you do realize that the whole reason the pack was attacked was because of Taehyung right? Now that he is here, what if that happens again?" Seokjin looked at Hoseok who held Jimin close. "We just met him.. we don't know everything there is to know about him and but we will. Just.. just stay quiet about him until we figure this all out alright? I'll see you in the morning. Come on baby." Hoseok stood up with Jimin.

As the two left, Seokjin gulped and sat back on the chair, his mind wondering off to that night of the attack and the night he lost his mother.

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