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Taehyung looked at his bloody hands. The boy was kneeled on the ground, his hands covered in blood as he looked up at his surroundings. Taehyung couldn't make out where he was. Suddenly feeling like his vision was going blurry and it was. From the tears, it started to become blurry. Then the sounds came in. The cries of hurt, horror. Covering his ears, Taehyung shook his head and hid his head into his knees.

"Stop! Stop it stop it stop it!" Taehyung cried out, his body shaking. Slowly but surely, he raised his head to see that he was in the middle of the woods where Jungkook took him to look at the stars. There he felt okay, felt safe. Until he heard a choking sound. Slowly looking around, Taehyung found a body. The more he looked, the more he realized that it was Jungkook.

Crawling over to the body in a hurry, Taehyung placed his hand over the sliced throat without hesitation. "No no no no!" Taehyung repeated over and over. He tried to use his powers but they didn't heal Jungkook. Nothing he did helped the boy struggling to breath. "Help me! Somebody! Please! Please h-help me!" Taehyung yelled out, trying to stop the blood.

Taehyung cried harder than he did in his life, his hands cupping Jungkook's face and looking down at Jungkook who was looking at the stars. Until suddenly he stopped choking on his blood. Slowly he looked at Taehyung, blinking with a small smile. "Save me Taehyung." He mouthed out and within a blink, he was gone.

The body that was once laying beneath Taehyung, bleeding out, was gone. The blood on his hands not only there but now all over Taehyung. Slowly standing up, Taehyung took a few steps back just to fall back onto the ground. Tripping over another body that was now Jimin who was crying in pain from a stab wound in his stomach. "H-Help me." Jimin choked out.

Taehyung didn't waste a moment to kneel and try to save Jimin but just like the first time, he couldn't. Then it happened again, Jimin was gone. Frantically looking around, yelling for the two before he blinked and was surrounded by everyone he loved and knew. Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, Wonho, Jisung and his mother, his parents. "Save me Taehyung." Chanted them all. "Help us"

Each and every one of them had something wrong with them and Taehyung didn't know what to do. "I c-can't! Tell me what I can d-do! J-Jungkook ple-please! Kor-Korain—Dad!" Taehyung yelled and yet, they were all quiet. Then the silence broke with the crying of a baby from behind him. Not just any baby— but Kaison or so he assumed. Before Taehyung could turn— he was woken.

Shooting up from the bed, Taehyung began to breath heavily as he held his head. "Hey—" Jungkook touched Taehyung's shoulder to only have Taehyung removing himself off the bed and falling onto the floor with a hysterical cry. The dream seeming so real that it scared him crazy. "No no no don't— don't touch me! Don't-" Taehyung hid his face into his knees.

Turning the light on in a rush, Jungkook was quick to comfort Taehyung who kept saying 'no'. "Hey Taehyung, it's me okay? It's Jungkook. I'm right here baby. I'm right here. No one is going to hurt you." Jungkook brought Taehyung close to his chest, picking him up slightly just so he can cradle Taehyung who shook in his hold.

Feeling the tight hold on his shirt as Taehyung cried and shook his head. "I-I coul-couldn't sav-save yo-yo-you a-all. I cou-couldn't do it." Taehyung chanted in whispers. Jungkook only held Taehyung close, kissing his forehead with his hand stroking through Taehyung's hair or rubbing his back. "Shh baby, i'm right here. I'm okay, we're all okay." Jungkook kissed at Taehyung's temple once more.

It took an hour to get Taehyung fully calmed. Though he was still a little shaken up from the nightmare he had. Being pushed up against Jungkook, Taehyung pulled the blanket higher and kept his eyes focused on the lamp just a few feet away from the bed. As while Jungkook pushed back Taehyung's hair. It was about five am now and Taehyung didn't plan on falling asleep. Never has he had a dream so real yet so fucking horrible in his life.

Shakily breathing out, Taehyung wiped away the tears and looked over his shoulder to look at Jungkook who was eyeing Taehyung already. "Y..You're s-safe." Taehyung sucked in a shaky breath. Jungkook slowly nodded and hugged at Taehyung's waist. "I'm safe Taehyung. Whatever you dreamed about.. it's not going to happen okay? I'm right here, with you. I'll always be right here, with you." Jungkook reassured Taehyung who slowly nodded and turned sides so he could nuzzle his nose against the mark.

There morning started there. With Taehyung not being able to sleep after that god so awful dream and Jungkook who didn't plan on letting Taehyung deal through it alone. Although he was curious to know what Taehyung dreamed about, he didn't push the boy to tell. Instead he just held the boy close, nuzzling his mark so he'd calm down and feel safe with him.

"I'll be going out with the scavengers today. They found quite the meal the another day but there wasn't enough out there. I promise i'll be back before night fall." Jungkook tucked Taehyung's hair behind his ear. Breathing out, Taehyung nodded before hugging Jungkook. "Just.. be careful okay? I mean it too Jeon Jungkook. I don't want to be saving your ass, again." Taehyung huffed out.

With a smile, Jungkook tipped Taehyung's head up and leaned in to leave a gentle kiss on Taehyung's lips. "My guardian angel. I'll see you very soon. Enjoy your day with Kaison and Jimin yeah?" Jungkook moved away from Taehyung who nodded and walked into the cabin since Jungkook was waiting for that. Though even when Taehyung walked in, Jungkook still watched to only have Taehyung pushing his face against the glass so it was squished in a pouty / mad type of look.

With a little laugh, shake of the head and roll of the eyes soon after, Jungkook mouthed 'I love you' before he took off to meet with the other scavengers. Anytime he left the pack grounds he seemed to always be attacked which was scary. Now having a mate, he didn't want to risk his life more being that he just literally got a mate and had to also make sure he was safe at all times.

Leaving felt like he was leaving his mate for weeks and it was unsettling but he knew Wonho and Hoseok would keep a good eye on him, especially Korain— and Jimin. "Look at you, leaving the pack after months on months." Jisoo nudged at Jungkook who sighed. "Let's just make this quick yeah? I have other things to do." Jungkook explained to the others.

"Yeah, like fuck Taehyung silly." Kisu cut into the circle as he gave a smug smile. "So, where we heading today?" The boy winked at Jungkook who growled underneath his breath. "What are you doing here." Jungkook balled his fingers into fists as Kisu hummed. "I'm your replacement. Almost was that too with Taehyung." Kisu clamped his hand over his mouth with a chuckle before he shook his head.

Another low growl emitted from Jungkook but he held himself back. His teeth gritting as he looked at the map and listened to the plan Jisoo planned out for them. Sure there were a lot of them— but there was also a lot of rogues who pack up themselves too. So they always had to be careful whenever they were out. Let's just hope they are successful this time.

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