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Taehyung's had a lot to do that day. From the moment Namjoon dropped him off he was on his toes for the rest of the day. First it was at his job at the bar. Where he was obviously fired but needed to make sure— which was only embarrassing when Taehyung announced he would be quitting. He was very quick to leave with his father trailing right behind him. Leaving him to his thoughts as they walked.

"Wait. How would you have known my parents would be in today?" Taehyung asked, looking at Korain. "I've been around all your life Taehyung. You just didn't know it. I know that they come in every few months to check in on you. Specifically on the twenty fourth or so." Okay, that surely wasn't creepy but Taehyung was pretty thankful to have a dad like Korain.

Taehyung nodded as they stopped at his apartment building. This is where Taehyung became a little scared on what was going to happen. First he had to tell the owner that he would be giving up his apartment where he would also have to pay up before he did so. Okay, leaving out of no where did not help him out at all in the real world huh.

Knowing Jisung was still in school around this time, Taehyung decided he would deal with this apartment now. It was kind of uneasy though. Knowing he was making these decisions out of the blue and deciding what he needed to do on the spot. Yet he still hasn't talked with his parents and Jisung. He really wondered how this all would go. Only time would tell he guessed.

Lucky for Taehyung, he would be finishing up his contract just next month and so he decided to pay up rent and such for the two months. With his fathers help of course because no way in hell did he have money like that working in a bar, nah. "Thank you." Taehyung finished up his conversation with the owner and left with his father who looked in his wallet.

Turning his wallet upside down, Korain looked at the floor. "Having a kid really does empty out your wallet huh." Korain looked at Taehyung who flushed. "I'll pay you back- I swear." Taehyung apologized to Korain who waved it off. "No need to do that. I'm glad to help you out." He patted Taehyung's back. Firstly, why is his dad so freaking nice? and two, the pat on the back felt more like a smack on the back. Heck that hurt.

Walking to his apartment. Taehyung decided to pack up a few things while he could. Deciding maybe his parents and Jisung would want to take a few things once they found out he would be 'moving' with his dad for a few months or so. The story he was going to tell running through his head. Rehearsing it in his head so he wouldn't forget. As doing so, Taehyung was in his room doing what he needed to do before walking to Korain who was found looking through a photo album.

Taehyung tilted his head while watch Korain flip through the pictures with a smile on his face. It wasn't until Taehyung walked closer did he notice the tears. Though Korain was quick to wipe those away and chuckle at the photos of Taehyung. "The Kim blood is really strong huh. You look exactly like me." Korain pointed out. Taehyung smiling with a nod.

"You say you've been in my life since the day I was born. So you must know my parents— adoptive parents." Taehyung felt awkward calling his parents his adoptive parents in front of his real parent. Taehyung never took them as his adoptive parents so it was just very odd to say. Korain licked his lips. "Yoon Kwan and Yoon Beomseok. I kept a very good eye on them when they came around. I know it all sounds creepy but trust me. It was only to make sure you were safe. And because you're my son."

Taehyung nodded, understanding that. "The few weeks I watched. I knew you were safe and you were in the perfect family. They loved you to the fullest. Just as your mother would have." Korain shut the photo album and looked at Taehyung who was in sudden thought of his dream. His mother visited him in his dream. Should he tell his father? The confusing dream he still had yet to figure out? His father would surely be able to help him through that.

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