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Taehyung looked at the straps on his one arm where he assumed the chip was, obviously. The boy looked at the few needed things on the tray that must he say, scared him a little bit. Letting his head rest back, the male closed his eyes and huffed out a breath. This was the moment Taehyung would be removing the chip from his body. After so many years and only a few months of finding out, he was moving forward with his life.

Still having to go back every now and then to visit his family and all but for now, he was confident that he was making the right decision. "You sure you still want this?" Korain walked over to his son who laughed if off. "For the almost hundredth time, yes, i'm sure." Taehyung looked at Korain who breathed in and nodded.

Soon after Jungkook walked in, bowing his head to Korain before hurrying off to Taehyung's other free hand.  "How long do you plan on staying?" Taehyung asked his father who pursed his lips and folded his arms over his chest. "Well.." Korain cleared his throat. "Wonho, which I found out is Jungkook's brother— did you know that? I don't see the resemblance. Though I now get why MinJun kept leaving the pack on the daily." Korain got off track.

That caused the two to laugh, Jungkook nodding. "Wonho has the stronger genes of his mother, oddly." Jungkook cocked his head as Korain smiled a bit. "And you took the strong genes of your father." He pointed out as Taehyung began to laugh a bit. "You got off point there. Wonho did what?" Taehyung asked.

"Right! Right, so Wonho asked me if.. I wanted to be his right hand man. Well, he offered to give up his position for me but I suggested the right hand man." Korain spoke on about the placement he would take up, with some thought. "Still on thought about it. I mean, I did leave here for a reason. My whole life is back there, in the city."

"Sorry, Mr. Kim but it's not. You were born and raised here. Your mate died here but that's your place to live on for her, even if its hard. This is home, and you know it." Jungkook spoke slowly, watching Korain's expression closely just in case he overstepped. "Thank you Jungkook. I surely have lots to think about." Korain smiled at Jungkook for the words.

Just then, the salutary walked in. Rolling his shoulders back, Taehyung listened them all talk. His father telling them where they placed the chip. Though due to how long the chip has been inside Taehyung, it was possible it could leave the spot it was originally placed. "So let's hope we're lucky today." The woman hummed. Like that didn't worry Taehyung. Not like a sharp object was about to open him up and make him ooze out blood.

Well— he thought it was a sharp metal but instead it was a.. sharp glass object. "Why ain't it.. like metal?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "We take precaution since silver kills us... which means we get very cautious because metal is also silver, get it?" Jungkook poked at Taehyung's head. The boy making an 'o' shape with his mouth. "Well, not Korain but the rest of us." Jungkook corrected himself.

"Now we'll just check if you're numb." She spoke to Taehyung. The poking around his wrist happened before it was safe to say that Taehyung was good. Then slowly, it happened. The cutting across his wrist was made and caused him to turn to Jungkook who locked eyes with Taehyung, running his fingers through his hair and calming him.

As Korain watched the lady look for the chip. The cut wasn't crazy deep but was a good amount to fit her tools. "Watch the nerves." Korain growled in which he never thought he could do after he started taking the pills. Shaking his head and clearing his throat, Korain looked back at the work of the salutary.

Minutes turned into an hour before she pulled out the chip. Placing the chip onto the board, Jungkook looked over at the small chip as well as Taehyung. "There you go." The lady smiled, quick to begin closing up Taehyung's wrist. With the IV and blood transfusion on his other arm. A sigh came from Taehyung out of relief but also, not going to lie, Taehyung felt rather scared.

"Now the chip may be out of your system but the toxins are not. Give it about a week for a complete wash out before doing any.. mating." Korain spoke to the two who nodded, Jungkook clearing his throat. "I'll take good care of him sir, I promise you." Jungkook bit his lip. Korain breathed out before grabbing at Jungkook's shoulder.

"I took care of him my whole life up until now but that doesn't mean I won't stop taking care of him. Don't let me down." Korain patted Jungkook's shoulder before removing himself. "I'll leave you two alone. Wonho was wanting to catch me up on things, just in case." He spoke with a little of excitement that was very obvious to Taehyung and Jungkook.

Once Korain left the two and the salutary, Jungkook turned to Taehyung and sighed. "I can't believe you did this. Like, I can mate you— in a week that is." Jungkook cocked his head as Taehyung began to chuckle. "Tell me, how do people explain mating? How do you think it feels?" Taehyung asked while soothing his thumb over Jungkook's cheek.

Taking a seat, Jungkook held Taehyung's hand. "Euphoric is all I can think of. My brother said it was something he couldn't explain. Two people becoming one almost and it's something you just can't put into words. Others say it's nothing special but listen.. mating with you? Going to be the best feeling in the world." Jungkook bit his lip before he groaned out and placed his forehead on the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" Taehyung scoffed out, flicking Jungkook's forehead. The male groaned again, rubbing his forehead. "I just.. can't wait to mate you. I can't wait to start that new beginning of my life with you.. like.. I really can't wait. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas, y'know?" Jungkook said rather fast that made Taehyung shake his head and peck the boys lips.

"I can't wait to mate with you too Jungkook. I really can't wait for what the future holds for us. For now, you can hold me right now and make me feel safe, yeah?" Taehyung pouted out his lip. Raising an eyebrow, Jungkook scoffed at the pout coming from Taehyung. "Tough guy to cute guy real fast." Jungkook tried to kiss Taehyung who pushed Jungkook's face away.

"Cute guy ain't kissing you anymore, fool." The boy scoffed. Soon after though, Taehyung was allowed to leave but was told to rest for the whole day and that was what he did, with Jungkook of course. Doing this step with Jungkook was exciting but the other half of him was terrified if people found out who he was.

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