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Taehyung gasped as he was pulled into the house and was quick to go into a punching position as the man quickly left Taehyung's side to look outside the window or more specifically, peep outside the window. "Your friends followed." The man spoke with a slight smile as he turned to Taehyung who furrowed his eyebrows.

"I promise I never told anyone!" Taehyung panicked as the male started to approach him. "No no, I expected someone to come." He admitted with a light chuckle. Silence was shared, the unknown male looking at Taehyung from head to toe then toe to head. Slowly he started to get teary-eyed which confused Taehyung.

"Are... you okay?" Taehyung asked as the male cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes. You're probably wondering who I am and why I'm giving you the pills huh." He asked in which Taehyung was quick to nod his head. Slowly extending his arm and allowing Taehyung to grab it. "Kim Korain. Your father, Taehyung." Korain smiled a bit.

As for Taehyung, the boy stood still. In complete shock, Taehyung looked at the male in front of him known as his birth father. Now that he took a better look, he could see where he got his smile from. He always wondered which parent had the box smile he has and now he knows. Which had him tearing up as he shook his head.

"You're dead- or supposed to be dead. Everyone said you died in that attack-" Taehyung tried to explain but was babbling sentence over sentence trying to explain himself. "So you've been to the pack." Korain sighed but nodded. "They never found my body yes, that's true but that doesn't mean I died." Korain gulped and sat down.

Slowly but surely, Taehyung sat himself down on the couch and looked at his 'father'. Seeing that he definitely did look like him. "The night your mother gave birth to you there was an attack. Not just any attack Taehyung. They were coming for you." Korain explained, Taehyung furrowing his eyebrows.

"Your mother was a very powerful omega. A rare one too and everyone wanted to mate her. Some people would go far as kidnapping and torturing her. She went through so much before meeting me and when she did meet me, I made sure she was safe. Always." Korain pursed his lips and shook his head, the topic slipping his mind.

"I am also powerful in my own ways. So we were a perfect duo and because of that, a lot of filthy wolves wanted you. Because either way, you would turn out as a gift. Your mother being able to heal people while I'm immune to silver." Korain clasped his hands together. "Wait- immune to silver?" Taehyung asked.

The whole time Taehyung was kind of in a daze as the 'dead' alpha sat in front of him telling him the story of his mother. "Silver kills you. You can't heal from that unless you yourself are a healer which in this case is never the case, but your mothers. As for me, I can be stabbed with silver multiple times and not die- well yeah I can now-" Korain stopped talking as he thought over his words.

Taehyung managed to smile at that. Korain trailed off, just like how Taehyung would. "I'm sorry. It's just- you're grown up now and... you're right in front of me Taehyung. I have never been this nervous since I met your mother." Korain admitted with a sigh, straightening himself out. "Should I start this from the beginning?" Korain asked and Taehyung nodded, getting comfortable.

"Alright so. Your mother gave birth to you and there was an attack because as I said, filthy wolves wanted you. Your mother-" Korain stopped, the memories flashing in his head as he tried to finish. Slowly but surely he did. "Your mother told me to take you somewhere safe. To keep you safe. She just had C-section so she was unable to walk. So then I took you. I left everyone to defend for themselves and I left with you."

Taehyung grabbed at his neck and rubbed slowly, feeling as if his throat was closing up from the story. "I put you on the steps of an orphanage and I disappeared after that. It wasn't easy son, I tell you it really wasn't. Then I went back but I heard that... that the luna was dead and so I ran off too. I left and never looked back. I then made a home out here with myself."

Korain had glossy eyes from the story but kept his smile. "The only way I could keep you safe was if you didn't know what you truly are. I couldn't save your mother but I was able to save you and- although I wasn't there for your birthdays and school activities, I tried to attend all in secret. As for the pills, I take them too. A friend from way back helped me with them and so when you turned sixteen, I told Lowell and Shadaki about my situation."

Taehyung couldn't help but tear up at Korain's story. How sad the man looked while trying to keep in the tears with a broken smile. "They are suppressants. That they are but they also hurt your wolf. There the wolf is shut off and you are just a normal human being. Taking away your heats, wolf instincts and scent. Anything you could have been was taken away from that pill. If harming your wolf to keep you safe from what is out there then, I was all for it."

Korain breathed out shakily and pursed his lips as he heard the knock on his door. "Your friends finally decided to come." Korain scratched at his cheek and got up after wiping away the tears as Taehyung took in all the information he was just told. His father did all that to keep him safe, even attended his parties? school activities? He was there. Taehyung just didn't know it and that made his heart hurt a little if he was being honest.

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