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Jungkook sat on the deck of the house he shared with Mingyu who was inside doing chores. The pair was unusual yes? Mingyu growing up with Jungkook as best friends, supporting his best friend with his mate who died way too early than anyone thought he would. Jungkook knew he could never live up to Wonwoo, Mingyu's true mate.

Though he tried, every day he tried and Mingyu knew he could never make Jungkook feel the way he felt with Wonwoo but yet here they were. At the time, Jungkook was in a state of time where he felt like time was going to pass and he was never going to find his true mate. Trying almost everything to find his mate.

Either a girl or boy, he just wanted his mate close. Going on pack hunts, visiting other packs with Wonho, hell he even went out into the deep woods to see if he could find his mate. That's all he ever really wanted was his mate but year after year ever since he turned sixteen, his mate never came. And now- he knew he couldn't blame Taehyung.

It was wrong for him to even try blaming Taehyung in the first place but he just needed an excuse. Jungkook was impatient and decided that he didn't need his true mate. Giving up on his true mate just like that and he was happy for a while, he truly was but the way Mingyu explained the feeling he felt with Wonwoo, just made Jungkook more lonely.

The bond was forced and so it wasn't the greatest feeling. All the stories of linking and feeling so incredibly close together, stronger together. It was all thrown out the moment Jungkook decided he wanted to mate with Mingyu. Now his behavior- he wasn't sure where that came from. He truly was a good guy, or he would like to think so.

Then Taehyung came and the moment he laid eyes on Taehyung he felt that spark in him ignite and he felt like he was in heaven. Then Taehyung opened his beautiful dumb mouth to reject Jungkook. In all honesty, Jungkook was never planning on rejecting Taehyung but then he thought about his mate. Then before he knew it, his words were spilling but he didn't mean it.

Jungkook also knew Taehyung didn't mean it because they were still attracted to each other. It was obvious that they didn't fully reject each other. Now Jungkook was just being a complete asshole to his true mate who was trying to figure himself out. Though that was the only way he could really get close to Taehyung. He yearned to speak to his mate even if it was him being an asshole.

  Now Taehyung was leaving and all Jungkook felt was overwhelming sadness. Like he could cry if he wanted? but he chose not to cry. Instead he decided to feel a little empty and he hated feeling that way. Sucking in a breath, Jungkook took a sip of his water and looked at the grass before looking back once hearing a squeak come from the door.

"Hey, you've been out here for some time now." Mingyu seated himself next to Jungkook who smiled lightly and nodded. Not really sure what to say and so he just looked at his water. "Is this about Taehyung?" Mingyu suddenly spoke up, Jungkook gulping. "What? No, of course not. I don't give two craps about him." Jungkook forced a smile.

Mingyu nodded slowly before sighing. "It is and we both know it. I get it, he's your true mate. We forced this bond and I am very thankful that we did but- Jungkook, our six months is coming up in less than a month. We could always just go ou-" Mingyu stopped as Jungkook shook his head. "It's tempting, to be with Taehyung but Mingyu... when I mated with you, I did it because I wanted to mate with you. I was lonely, yes but I know what I did was the right choice."

Mingyu sucked on his bottom lip and nodded. "You know now that you met Taehyung, your rut will be coming soon and I can't help you through that," Mingyu mumbled, Jungkook sighing. "Why not hm? I can control myself for you." Jungkook looked at Mingyu who chuckled. "Wonwoo couldn't even control himself for me. Ruts are dangerous when it comes to us wolves who are not alphas and even for you. You should know that. I was made for Wonwoo so I was able to bare with it but you? That's different."

Jungkook groaned, rubbing his face. "So I go through it alone. So what? The pills are not good for my body and I would rather have you but if I can't, then I'll go through it alone. Just.. lock me up." Jungkook rolled his eyes at his own wording but was pretty determined to stick with it. "Whatever you say, kook."

As for Taehyung, the boy was trooping through the woods with Wonho in front of him. Half of him didn't like how he ended things with Jungkook but he felt like it was the right thing to do. Telling Jungkook off and deciding to leave was the right thing to do right? Taehyung didn't want any more drama between the two anymore.

All he wanted was to get this whole chapter in his life over. Now his focus on was the person giving him his pills. It was all that should cloud his mind now and it was. It was clear they wanted to keep this life away from Taehyung right? If he was given the pills. Also one thing he was quite excited for was home. Jisung and to talk to his parents and his third parent which would be Jisung's mother.

Breathing out, Taehyung took off his bag and flung it into the vehicle before getting in himself. "Nice stay Taehyung?" Namjoon was heard, Taehyung raising an eyebrow as the man clicked his tongue and nodded. "Right, I'll just drive," Namjoon cleared his throat and started the car.

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