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Once in the city, Taehyung felt like he was home again. The loud noises making him remember the sleepless nights he would get often but then again he was never that fond of noises. Though once stepping into his apartment, the boy felt even more homier as he hurried over to his couch and sunk into it. Meanwhile, Wonho had shut the door once Seokjin walked in with them.

"We'll only stay for a night or two if we're successful," Wonho announced to Taehyung who nodded and sat up from his couch. "You guys can stay as many nights as you wish." The boy watched Wonho and Seokjin take a seat. "Thank you Taehyung but one or two days should be enough for us." Wonho smiled.

Seokjin sat away from Taehyung and took a look around the small apartment before shrugging his shoulders back. "So do we have a plan? I decided to scare them yesterday which I would say didn't really work." Seokjin rolled his eyes while Wonho raised an eyebrow. "I told you to hold off on that," Wonho spoke sternly to Seokjin who shrugged.

Taehyung let the two argue everything out as he took out his phone that started to vibrate in his hands out of all the notifications he got. Mainly from his parents but also his job. Then a reminder popped up in which it was his reminded for picking up a new pack of pills tomorrow. "I think I know a way-" Taehyung looked up.

Wonho and Seokjin stopped bickering and looked at Taehyung with a questionable expression. "I have an appointment tomorrow to pick up my pills. The usual thing I do each month just so I don't run out." Taehyung showed Wonho the reminder and tried with Seokjin but all he did was a nod. Clearing his throat, Taehyung sat back.

"This should help us then. Taehyung, you can send a message through the doctors. They would have to tell whoever making the pills about whatever you say." Wonho smiled a bit as Taehyung nodded. "Then what do I say?" Taehyung asked and in which Wonho and Taehyung started to discuss what Taehyung should say.

"Just tell them that you know what you are. That you're going back with us and that should trigger whoever to come find you." Seokjin cut in, Taehyung blinking before he started to nod. Seokjin honestly scared him and it was because he also knew Seokjin probably secretly hated him but was it a secret if Taehyung knew it?

"Alright, we'll go with that idea but Taehyung, are you planning to come back?" Wonho asked. That question made Taehyung quiet as he sat there. Not really sure if he wanted to go back in all honesty. The pills were still affecting Taehyung's wolf. As he was told he should already be able to communicate with his wolf and so he really didn't get the real experience.

Nor did he even change into what he is. Which was considerable since Taehyung took those pills since he was sixteen. Then again he really didn't want to go back. And maybe it was because of the whole Jungkook thing. Just being around him hurt and it was bad enough that he felt empty just being away from Jungkook.

"I'll think about it." Taehyung finally answered before he stood up and rubbed his hands on his pants. "For now, I think I'll go see a few people and call up my parents." Taehyung stood up but so did Wonho. "Taehyung, I should inform you that we wolves don't only live in the woods far from here. Some wolves do adapt to human life, living in the cities too. Just so you know and just so you can be more cautious." Wonho spoke to Taehyung.

Great, just when he thought he got away from all the wolves. "Well- that makes me feel safe." Taheyung sighed and rubbed his face. "And how do I know if I'm near one of these wolves hm?" Taehyung sat back down, not really sure if he'd like to go out anymore. "You'll know. It's your wolf who tells you or in this case, since you can't really communicate with your wolf, you'll feel uneasy and like you're being watched."

Taehyung pursed his lips. "Then I'll just be going down the hall," Taehyung announced to the two as he headed towards the door and towards the apartment, Jisung and his mother lived in.

Meanwhile, at the pack grounds, Jungkook looked over at Kisu who was eyeing Jungkook from his own cabin that he shared with a few others. The stupid devilish smirk he had on his stupid face made Jungkook want to rush over and punch his face into the ground. Though instead, he rolled his eyes and went back to help with the younger pups who wanted to play outside.

Feeling a little uneasy, Jungkook could see that everyone else did too. They would look around and soon enough they were gathering the pups and that's when he heard the growl from deep in the woods but it got closer and before he could even think about switching forms, he was tossed onto the ground.

Groaning, Jungkook was quick to try get up but was quickly pinned, his hands grabbing at the snout and bottom of the wolves mouth as his mouth opened, growling and trying to bite at Jungkook until the wolf was tackled by none other than Kisu who rolled with the other wolf, both attacking at each other.

Though it didn't stop there. Once the one wolf he thought was the only one, Jungkook saw another charging at him and that time he was quick to form and bite the wolf on his neck, tossing him aside. Then another attacked Jungkook. The whole thing turned into a deadly fight that didn't last that long as Jungkook was wounded by the sudden attacks on him each time he would get one wolf off.

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