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Entering the pack house, Jungkook stopped when he felt the wolf within him start going crazy. Knowing why exactly his wolf was going crazy and that made him not want to enter the house but it took every little piece of him to push his wolf aside. 'I fucking healed most of you! Don't shut me out!' rang through his head but just like that, Jungkook shut his wolf out.

As for Taehyung, he held his head and sat back. Not liking that his inner thoughts? Wolf? was screaming 'mate' once again. Jimin pursed his lips and patted Taehyung's thigh. "You okay?" Jimin asked and Taehyung sighed. "It keeps chanting mate, Jimin. Does this mean he is here?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin nodded slowly and sighed. "Just, shut out your wolf." Jimin suggested and Taehyung scoffed. "Alright and how am I suppose to do that? Hey wolf, please fuck off." Taehyung pointed at his head and Jimin placed his hand over his mouth and muffled a laugh. "You still have so much to learn, we might just have to place you with the pups." Jimin suggested.

"That's not a bad idea though." Hoseok suddenly spoke in after listening to their conversation. Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? That's like telling me I need to go back to kindergarten." Taehyung pouted out his lip as Jimin chuckled. "Because you do." Jimin teased with the boy as he sunk back into his chair.

Then Jungkook entered the room, seating himself on a chair closer to the exit and keeping his gaze to the floor as he leaned forward and snarled from his inner thoughts. Everyone but Taehyung looked at Jungkook and his actions, Taehyung placing a pillow in front of him as his heartbeat was racing out of his chest at this point.

Sighing, Wonho stood up. "Jungkook. You have less knowledge here about Taehyung so let me catch you up to date before I discuss further more." Wonho looked at everyone who agreed, Taehyung rolling his eyes and picking at the pillow. "Taehyung here is a full breed werewolf but the thing is, he grew up in a city not knowing he is a werewolf. No idea whatsoever because at the age of sixteen, he was given these pills."

Wonho gave the pills over to Jungkook who furrowed his eyebrows when seeing the pill was purple. "Heat suppressant but not just any heat suppressants. There is something else mixed in that to help hide Taehyung's true identity and he's been taking them everyday for the passed eight years." Wonho explained to Jungkook who opened up the pill.

"How'd you even find him?" Jungkook asked, finally pushing his own feelings aside. "Namjoon called me and it all happened from there but the important thing is, Taehyung is new to this all and we are all here to help him. No matter the circumstances between anyone here. Once we figure out who has been giving Taehyung the pills, Taehyung will come to a decison if he wants to stay or leave." Wonho told everyone who raised an eyebrow or frowned.

"So what? We're suppose to just teach him everything we know and then when he decides to leave he could expose us all? We just met him, we can't exactly trust this boy." Jungkook spoke and Seokjin whispered out a 'finally' that caused Wonho to look over at Seokjin. "You have something to say, Seokjin?" Wonho asked.

Seokjin gulped before standing. "We don't know him. We're not even sure if he's the son of the former luna Youra and if he is, then he could bring great danger to this pack. The kid was the reason most of the pack died that night of his birth. Even if he's not the son of Kim Youra and Kim Korain, he could still bring danger to this pack. As leader, I think you should think more into this."

Everyone became quiet, especially Taehyung as he sat there. The possibility of his birth being the reason many werewolves died? He couldn't live with himself if so. Feeling overwhelmed, Taehyung got up from his seat and let the pillow fall onto the floor before he rushed out of the room. "Tae-" Jimin tried to follow but Hoseok grabbed onto Jimin.

Hoseok looked at Jimin before looking at Jungkook to see if Jungkook would go after Taehyung but instead, the boy sunk into his seat and kept his plain expression. That's when Jimin turned to Hoseok who nodded and let the boy go, Jimin hurrying to follow after Taehyung who was standing outside, holding his head and whispering 'no' over and over.

"Taehyung? hey, calm down." Jimin grabbed onto Taehyung's shoulders as the boy opened his eyes. "What if I am the son everyone thought was dead? What if I'm the reason Seokjin's mother died? My own birth parents? Jimin, that's... that's a lot of baggage." Taehyung breathed out and rubbed his face.

Jimin didn't know what to say or do but to just rub the boys shoulders until he noticed Jungkook was standing by the door frame. Without another thought, Jimin let go of Taehyung and stepped back as he watched Jungkook step forward, take Taehyung's hand's off his face and pull the male in for a hug.

The electricity shot through them both once Jungkook touched Taehyung and once their bodies pressed together it was such a pure moment that he fell in love with the moment they came in contact. Immiediatly, Taehyung calmed into the touch and his stiff muscles calmed as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook who backed Taehyung up until his back was against the house and dove his face down to the crook of Taehyung's neck, nuzzling his nose against the skin and taking in the heavenly smell.

Jimin watched with a smile curving on his lips as Wonho stood by the door to see his little brother hugging his true mate. The relaxed facial expression Jungkook had caused Wonho to sigh in relief knowing that Jungkook didn't actually reject Taehyung. Jungkook himself did but his wolf did not and that's all that he needed to know.

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