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Stepping into the clinic like house, Taehyung watched Wonho walk into the room where he supposed the male named 'Jeon Jungkook' was in. The weird little tingle he got whenever he thought of the name Jungkook caused him to feel a little jittery? and he didn't know why? though he felt it and it wasn't going away anytime soon as it seemed.

The pills were wearing off and it was obvious now that Taehyung was starting to experience the power thing? Or maybe it was a fluke? He really wasn't sure but if anything else scary like that happened then he was ready to down a pill and go back to living his normal human life he was supposed to be living at that moment.

Though as Taehyung entered the room, he stopped himself once feeling a little wave hit him. A shiver ran down his spine as he held onto the door frame and shook his head. Something screaming within him, something wanting something but he didn't know what. With a lot of mind controlling himself, Taehyung was able to push it aside.

What Taehyung didn't know was Jungkook was also in that state though this time, the boy was clenching his jaw and holding onto his neck that slightly burned. "Kook? hey, are you okay?" Wonho stepped towards the boy who shook his head. "My- fuck, where is Mingyu?!" Jungkook asked and just like that, the pain was gone. Quickly grabbing the little mirror beside the bed to check his neck where a mark was.

"Why are you checking your mark?" Wonho asked after giving Jungkook a glass of water. "It.. my mark, I felt a burning pain like it was being erased or something." Jungkook cleared his throat and shook his head, sitting up slowly to grab the glass of water. As he did so, that is when he noticed the male standing by the door.

Slowly, their gazes locked and just like that, Taehyung felt like the world stopped. The need to walk over and nuzzle his nose between the crook of the males neck was urging through him as he held onto the door frame. As for Jungkook, the pain on the mark started to burn as he looked at Taehyung. Though at the same time, Jungkook noticed the euphoric feeling shooting through him.

Then there it was. 'Mate' was chanting through his head. "G-Get him out." Jungkook's voiced boomed which caused Taehyung to feel belittled, a little shattered and confused at what was happening. "What? Jungkook, calm down." Wonho watched as Jungkook held onto the side of his neck. "Get him out! Wonho I'm not fucking kidding! Get him out!"

Not able to move, Taehyung and Jungkook caught gaze again. That is when it burst through Taehyung and he felt his inner wolf call out. 'Mate' chanted through Taehyung as his heart sped up. The euphoric feeling of the person in front of him. For a moment, they both felt complete and whole.

Until Taehyung noticed that this was what he wanted to avoid. He didn't want pups, he didn't want to be tied to someone who he didn't know. Taehyung didn't even know the person! As for Jungkook, he also realized that he was already with someone. Jungkook had already marked someone and belonged to someone. And so without another thought, the two spoke.

"I reject you! I.. I Kim Taehyung reject you Jeon Jungkook as my mate!" Taehyung blurted out as Jungkook spoke calmly. The feeling was like nothing else. Like he was punched in the chest and it knocked the air out of him. "I.." Jungkook tried to speak but stopped for a moment to let the realization of himself being rejected. "I Jeon Jungkook, reject you, Kim Taehyung as my mate."

The moment happened so fast that Wonho was speechless. The whole day he just experienced was nothing like any other day. First the power thing to heal Jungkook and now Taehyung finding his mate which happens to be Jungkook? and now they both rejected each other? Wonho just couldn't believe what kind of day he just went through.

That's when Taehyung's body allowed him to finally take a step back and without a thought, he was leaving the place. Confused on what the fuck just happened but he could hear the chanting of 'Mate' as he fell onto his knees from stumbling. Feeling himself being lifted as he held onto Wonho.

"Why does it hurt? Why- why does this hurt? Wonho-" Taehyung's eyes became glossy as his vision became blurry. The 'Mate' chanting was no longer but the sudden heartbreak he felt was there. The feeling of wanting to curl up and die was there and he didn't know why the fuck! He saved the boy from dying and that was all!

"I-I need my pills. I need my pills now, I want my pills." Taehyung begged Wonho who gulped and shushed the male. After leaving Jungkook who was already calling Mingyu for some comfort though as expected, Taehyung wasn't taking it so well and was found on the ground where he begged for the pain to stop.

Though as they got back to the pack house, Taehyung didn't bother walking to the room but instead he fell onto the couch and curled into a ball after placing a pillow on top of himself noticing that he didn't have a blanket. There he looked blankly at the wall and gulped.

Just from first eye lock, Taehyung felt a feeling he never felt like before and it was honestly so amazing? like all his worries faded away. Everything bad around him disappeared and he felt safe and complete. For a moment until he rejected Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jungkook rejected him. Jimin was surely right about not feeling complete.

Though he felt a little better knowing his wolf was able to speak out even if it was just to tell him he found his mate. Freakishly weird as it was like a real person around him- but it was within him and yeah- he was not going to get used to that. Maybe it hurt less too knowing he didn't want a mate and didn't want this whole lifestyle so when rejecting, it was easier on him.

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