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From that day onward Jungkook did grow a bond between Taehyung's family. Some weekends he and Taehyung would be in the city visiting them or having a simple lunch in. Jungkook was enjoying the involvement he was having with his relatives. So far everything was going smoothly-out of the pack anyway. They tried to do this often so the weight on Taehyung's shoulders would be lifted but in all honesty, nothing was going as they hoped it would.

Taehyung was now eight months and only had a couple of weeks left until his due date came. Ever since the word got out that Taehyung was pregnant, threats started to arise rather quickly. The dreams became nightmares that Taehyung couldn't handle anymore and would usually stay up most nights overthinking everything. The threats did scare Taehyung more than anything.

Korain told Taehyung stories about his mother and how they were both tortured for months on months without breaks. It was a living hell for them and Taehyung absolutely remembers the good memories that were told but those were always shadowed from the bad ones. The burning mark, the forced mating, forced sex, forced this and that and it all made his stomach ache.

The anxiety started to build up and Taehyung would have one of the attacks at least once a day while thinking over things. Even if he just heard a crack in the bush or someone 'playfully' scaring him from behind. Taehyung was starting to feel like he was walking on eggshells and if he made one mistake- everything around him would just tumble down right in front of him. Some days were perfect and it was like nothing like what he would overthink would happen.

Then other days Taehyung would be crying in Jungkook's arms because he had a nightmare of their baby being killed right in front of them. There were so many nightmares that he couldn't list on. Even with the thoughts and those possibilities in his head- Taehyung had to try not to think such things. It was starting to take a toll on his body and it was not in any way a good way.

Taehyung could barely walk a good distance before his stomach would start cramping. Already reassured that they were not Braxton hicks or anything related to the birth of his baby. Taehyung was told to relax but in this case- he really couldn't but he did try! he really did. Still on the pregnancy note though, Taehyung did start to show a little bit. Taehyung gained a small round belly like he was four months along almost but really just looked like he ate a big meal to himself.

The belly was cute on Taehyung and he was kind of glad it wasn't a huge round one. Although it would have been a nice experience, he loved his small little belly. Taehyung breathed out slowly before he got up from the floor. Grabbing the empty box and heading to the room to fill the empty box since in a few days they would be moving. Thankfully because Taehyung didn't know how much longer he could last in the pack knowing everything was just getting scarier for him.

Taehyung grabbed clothes from the closet only to stop and lose the ability to breathe for a few seconds while a pain shot through his body up to his tummy where it only felt like he was being stabbed all over again. This caused Taehyung to slowly get onto his knees because he could no longer hold himself up. His hand resting over his belly while he looked down at the exact place he was stabbed by Mingyu.

Breathing out heavily, Taehyung closed his eyes and started to nod along to his positive thoughts. Trying to trick his mind into other things other than the bad things. "It's okay. You're okay- everything is okay." Taehyung opened his eyes and lifted his foot back onto the floor but as he tried to push himself up onto his feet- the pain only shot through more painfully as he nearly gave out there and then but held tightly onto the closet door and slowly sat down.

"Not okay, alright." Taehyung gulped down the lump in his throat. Trying his best to now calm himself down but the tears only started to fall. Taehyung usually did have these sudden shooting pains but never were they this bad. Jungkook had just left to go get more boxes and so he just had to wait a little bit before his mate was back. Though just as Taehyung thought everything would be perfectly fine- he started to feel as if his pants were wet.

That only had Taehyung crying a little bit more. Then luckily for him, he felt the presence of Jungkook coming closer. 'Jungkook! Jungkook please I don't know what's happening. Something is wrong with our pup.' Taehyung had his eyes closed, concentrating on his current state while communicating to Jungkook through their link.

Taehyung couldn't even concentrate on the link back before he felt another shooting pain but it was worse than the last. This causing Taehyung to actually yell out in pain as Jungkook ran into the room, hurrying towards Taehyung and falling to his knees to grab his mate who was yelling in pain. Hands wrapped around his stomach while trying to curl into a ball. "Jungkook-" Taehyung cried out while grabbing onto Jungkook's shirt.

"Hoseok! Hoseok go get the Salutary! Now!" Jungkook yelled out to Hoseok who was out the door within the seconds of Jungkook yelling out. "What happened Taehyung? Baby tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook talked to Taehyung and tried to get his mind off the pain. Taehyung cried out due to how scared he was at that moment. "I-I was p-packing the clothes and I felt a stab-stabbing pain. It hu-hurts so ba-bad Jungkook please make it sto-ah!" Taehyung clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth while groaning from the pain.

It took a few minutes before Hoseok was back with the woman who had been helping Taehyung throughout his whole pregnancy. Jungkook scooted over enough for her to scoot in and check on Taehyung. "Shh Taehyung, calm down remember the baby? you gotta calm down." She placed his hand on the belly and started to feel around. It wasn't until she got to a certain spot did Taehyung yell from the pain.

"My pants- my-" Taehyung tried to get himself to sit up but this pain was just how he felt just months ago when the silver was stabbing through him. "He's bleeding-" Jungkook felt his heart drop to his stomach once he saw the blood. "Help me get him onto the bed. One, two, three!"

Everything happened so fast that Taehyung couldn't even process what was going on himself but what he did know that he could process was- was he having a stillbirth?

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