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A lot of things were discussed at the meeting but nothing over the top. Just things they had to do in order to keep a good grip on everything. A pack neighboring a little way would be merging with theirs and everything so far was going good. Of course, they did know about Taehyung but they also were the ones helping when the pack was overrun by rouges so Wonho did have some trust. Including that the pack had a lot of people who did know Taehyung's parents. It made the trust even more better between the two packs.

As of right now though, Taehyung and Jungkook walked hand in hand as Jungkook led the way to the gravesite. "So wait- I can't switch to my wolf form until this baby is born right? Because with all the bones and shit- Nah, I can't risk that." Taehyung shivered from the thought of his body shifting into a wolf with a baby inside him, no no, never that.

"No- you can. Your body is made for things like this Taehyung. The baby would be perfectly okay when you shift. Even ask Jimin. He and Hoseok were always shifting when he was pregnant. He just had to be more careful." Taehyung then laughed while shaking his head. "I'm still getting used to running. So that's a no to shifting." Taehyung stopped when Jungkook stopped.

When Jungkook went silent- Taehyung knew they reached the burial site as he breathed in and looked at the dirt that covered the hole in the ground. Sucking on his bottom lip, Taehyung walked over to the side and sat down. Jungkook tilted his head while watching Taehyung before he went to sit next to his lover who leaned on him for comfort in which Jungkook gave.

"He missed my whole life," Taehyung mentioned while looking at the cross that was made for his father. "and... I don't know. I wish he got to experience being a grandfather since he missed such a big part of his life. You said that... you know, you guys are meant for this. Wanting to mate and have pups and yet he had to give me away. Could you imagine doing that? Because I can't."

Jungkook sighed while pulling Taehyung closer while resting his chin on Taehyung's shoulder. "I wish we both had more time with your father. I truly do wish you had more time with him but I'm positive he is just as happy being with his mate. They're reunited and one day, hopefully not anytime soon, you'll be reunited with them too. For now, you live the life that you can and cherish the moments you have." Jungkook hugged Taehyung from behind.

Taehyung hummed before looking back at Jungkook. "Who told you that hm?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. A small smile came from Jungkook who made Taehyung lay back on him. "Wonho." Jungkook simply answered. "When my father died... I lost myself. I was young and it didn't help that I had lost my mother a couple months back. I thought I was cursed or something but Wonho got me out of that mindset. In ways I dislike him but in other ways, I wouldn't trade him for the world."

Taehyung smiled at that. It was very cute that Jungkook and Wonho shared a good relationship with each other. It instantly reminded Taehyung of Jisung and the parents he does have right now.  They had no idea what was going on with Taehyung and he left so suddenly. It probably hurt more for them than it did for Taehyung. Leaving Jisung or what he would like to call him, his little brother hurt more now that he thought about it.

Taehyung certainly would not mind cuddling up with his mom right about now while his dad made some snacks for them all to watch a movie. Then he would be between his mother and father just like old times but he lived in another life that he couldn't expose. Maybe he could but that only scared him as what if they did tell others? Then what? They'd kill his family members? The thought caused him to grab onto Jungkook tightly which caused Jungkook to speak up.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked Taehyung. "Wonho and Namjoon... how did Wonho tell Namjoon and why is he so different from other humans?" Taehyung asked while looking back at Jungkook who knitted his eyebrows together to think back on their relationship. "Well... Wonho was just like you Taehyung. He grew up thinking he was just a normal human being. Then came his sixteenth birthday where he was forced into this life. He relates to you a lot more than you think." Jungkook nodded with his own words.

"Namjoon is his best friend. Has been his best friend since well... they're pretty old so I would say centuries." Jungkook laughed at his own words while Taehyung lightly smacked his arm. "Kidding. I don't know the whole story but Wonho and Namjoon are like brothers really and Wonho trusted Namjoon enough. Told him everything and well- he never spoke a word."

Taehyung looked back at the grave. "And what if I want to tell Jisung, my little brother, about this world I live in? I trust him to death and I miss him more than I could put it into words. If he knew then... this would be so much easier for me I would feel like. Because like... what am I going to say when I just suddenly show up with a kid and a boyfriend huh? How am I going to explain the dead father- everything I think about is stressful really."

"Actually... I was thinking." Jungkook tapped his fingers against Taehyung's shoulder. "We leave the pack. Not leave leave but move away. Now I don't know about the city but I would definitely like to live somewhere private but not private enough to have other wolves coming for us." Jungkook started to speak out his thought on the whole thing. "Living here not only puts others in danger but it puts us in danger. Especially our little one that is on the way and I just think maybe getting away from here is something we should consider."

"Like a cottage or even a highway house. Somewhere that does not have much noise and many people because you know... heats and ruts and well- yeah uhm but! I could take the pills if needed. I just want to be able to have you both safe and sound under a roof. We would have to talk about schooling and all that of course but I'm confident I can find us a home that we could love. In which then your family can come to visit and so can mine. No pressure though! I want this to be your deci-"

Taehyung could tell Jungkook was nervous while talking as he was talking faster by each second that passed and to shut him up, he pulled Jungkook by the collar and connected their lips. A cute soft kiss that lasted a few seconds before Taehyung pulled away with a smile. "I'd like that. I would really, really like that." Taehyung was surprised that he even agreed so quickly.

The widened doe eyes had Taehyung laughing while he caressed Jungkook's cheek. "Really?" Jungkook asked while Taehyung nodded. "We would need to talk more about this but I think... in order to keep everyone safe, we need to do what we think is best. Especially for our pup. I don't want a repeat of this. I don't want to live in fear. So... we have little time to get this all in place Jungkook... seven months is not a lot of time if we're talking about moving and all that, including the necessities for our pup."

Jungkook smiled, leaning over to kiss his lover. "Then I will talk to Wonho who will talk to Namjoon. Did you know Namjoon has a lot of good friends? Like- a lot and Wonho always gets away with things when he is away so like- it's crazy but I'm sure they can help." Taehyung laughed at that but nodded while bringing Jungkook into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered.

"For?" Jungkook asked, being a bit confused about the thank you. "Everything you do. Everything that you did. Just- thank you Jungkook." Taehyung nuzzled his nose against Jungkook's mark. It was cute and all until Jungkook opened his cute stupid mouth. "I don't think your dad would like us doing this at his grave-" That made Taehyung push Jungkook away and ignore him for a minute or two only for fun but he was right so- that was that.

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