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Jungkook winced the moment he moved his arm just the slightest. The wound was starting to get more infected by the hours that have gone by and he really had no clue what the hell they did to him. All he knew was it hurt like a bitch and it was a lot to say for him since he was a strong alpha.

Taehyung looked at Mingyu for permission and Mingyu understood as he nodded and stepped outside for a bit while Taehyung walked over to Jungkook and sat on the floor. Cocking his head, Taehyung grabbed at Jungkook's arm gently and looked at Jungkook who didn't move a muscle. When Taehyung started removing the sling slowly is when Jungkook opened his eyes.

Jungkook was rather surprised he didn't feel or see Taehyung when he was waking up but since he was still tired, he didn't really say anything as Taehyung only removed his gaze and looked at the wound. Not the prettiest sight he'd saw but he was pretty positive he could fix it if he really put his mind to it, right?

Taehyung licked his lips and placed his hand over the wound that had Jungkook wincing. "What are you doing Kim?" Jungkook asked in a groan. "Shut up." Is all Taehyung spoke to Jungkook who huffed and looked at what Taehyung was doing. Taehyung tried his best to focus but something was blocking him and he could feel it.

Rolling his shoulders back, Taehyung looked at Jungkook who was looking at Taehyung. Now he knew what was blocking him. It was himself because Jungkook was making him so damn nervous looking at him with those stupid doe eyes. "Don't look at me," Taehyung spoke sternly while Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

Again, Taehyung went back to focusing. Mainly on wanting the heal the wound and how he wished to heal Jungkook and close up the wound. To take the pain away and the infection and before he knew it, his eyes glowed purple and the wound was healing right in front of his eyes. Slowly but surely it closed within a few minutes and Taehyung's eyes went back to normal as he sat back from feeling light-headed.

Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung once he let go of his arm and sat back. Jungkook sat up and got on the floor to hold Taehyung who was ready to pass out. Before he was attempting to lift Taehyung onto the couch though, he looked at his arm that was completely healed. Almost choking up as he remembered how he was healed the first time.

It was hazy and Jungkook had lost a lot of blood the first time but he did see Taehyung for a moment before he passed out himself. Gulping, Jungkook lifted Taehyung onto the couch and let him relax as Jungkook was now sitting on the floor and looking at Taehyung who slowly started to regain consciousness "You need to stop trying to die." Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at that as he scoffed. "Guess you can say you're my guardian angel huh." Jungkook's smile dropped soon after hearing what he said as Taehyung started to weakly chuckle. "That's gay." is all Taehyung said as his eyes closed, falling asleep within minutes. As for Jungkook.. the boy watched and for the first time, Jungkook felt that butterfly feeling in his stomach.

At first, he hated that he felt it but as he watched Taehyung sleep, he started to love the feeling of feeling in love with the boy in front of him. Gulping, Jungkook removed his gaze and slowly got up from the floor to cover up Taehyung and walk out of the house before he could feel anything else. That's where he found Wonho and Mingyu talking.

"Are you okay? Show me the wound." Wonho walked up the stairs and grabbed one of Jungkook's arms and then the other to see there was no wound. Mingyu shocked as well as Wonho. "Where is it?" Wonho asked as Jungkook breathed deeply in and cocked his head. "Taehyung healed me. He's inside sleeping, he passed out after doing so." Jungkook told Wonho and Mingyu.

Wonho let Jungkook's sleeve fall slowly as he pulled away and slightly nodded. Clearing his throat, Jungkook rolled his shoulders back. "So you guys find the person?" Jungkook asked, rubbing his arm where his wound was before Taehyung healed it. "We'll have a meeting for that. For now, we wait for Taehyung to awake and we'll all meet at the packhouse." Wonho explained to Jungkook who agreed with that and watched Wonho walk off before turning to Mingyu.

Mingyu pursed his lips and leaned on the railing of the stairs before looking at Jungkook. "So, still sure about choosing me?" Mingyu asked with an eyebrow raise. Jungkook only gulped but nodded slowly. "That was a lie." Mingyu chuckled as he stepped up the stairs. "It's not." Jungkook tried to protest.

Mingyu hummed, kissing Jungkook's cheek before stepped back and patting his shoulder. "Oh but my love, it very much is," Mingyu spoke calmly with a smile before putting his hands into his pockets and walking off to go for a well-needed walk as Jungkook stood there, his head thrown back with a groan emitting from his mouth.

Jungkook took that annoying feel into the house and closed the door before he turned to Taehyung who was still in a deep sleep. Looking at the floor, Jungkook shook his head and walked over to the kitchen to grab some water for the boy for when he awoke. After placing the water on the coffee table, Jungkook sat on the opposite couch.

Jungkook sunk back on the couch and averted his gaze from Taehyung as he stared at the water and thought about this whole mate thing. Ever since the 'rejection' he never really put thought into it but something within him was changing. The need to be with Taehyung was becoming stronger and it was obvious his wolf was done with Mingyu, forcing the bond to break.

And maybe he was a little happy that the bond was breaking.

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