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Taehyung laid on the bed of the pack house. Spending most of his night tossing and turning on the bed due to his mind running a hundred miles per hour with his thoughts clouding his head. Learning how to block out Jungkook from being so bloody pissed but also treating his 'mind power' as he called it like a online message. Allowing Jungkook to say one word or if he was lucky, two before he would block him out again.

The only time he communicated with Jungkook was when the boy was outside trying to get in. Only to tell Jungkook to fuck off and they would talk tomorrow. When Taehyung was calmed and not trying to punch out that beautiful alpha's face. Taehyung didn't really want to sacrifice his hand. Now he was left alone and staring at the ceiling.

"Stupid stupid alphas." Taehyung mumbled before turning to his side. "Oh you're an omega so you must breed my pups." Taehyung spoke in a mumble and sarcastic tone. "He's not the one sharing his body with another person for nine fucking months." Taehyung scoffed. Clearly, he was still fuming mad as he spoke to himself like a mad man.

To be truthful though. Taehyung only swore out Jungkook because once he started to calm, he felt an overwhelming clinginess and loneliness hit him like a rock to the face. Lucky for him though, he was able to fall asleep within an hour of cussing out Jungkook. Everything was swell. Until Taehyung was caught up in his dream.

Taehyung tossed and turned. Sweat dripping from his forehead. There Taehyung stood in the woods again but this time he was alone. In the same place and in the same position. Nothing really happening until a pain in his stomach was felt. An excruciating pain felt at the pit of his stomach. Almost like he was being stabbed.

The sudden heart beat felt in his stomach. Playing like a broken record in his head. Falling to his knees before he was leaning forward. There he fell onto his side. The flashes of his life, holding the grass and scratching at the ground as painful cries came from him. "Make it stop! Stop please." Taehyung cried out. "I can't do this! Please." Taehyuny choked out.

The pain started to go away slowly. The tears on his cheeks were dry. Then he noticed the woman kneeling beside him. The woman was beautiful, really beautiful. Eyes closed and focused on something Taehyung couldn't make out. Then he realized what she was doing. She was healing him, just like how Taehyung would heal others. A sudden relief running through him.

By the time her eyes glowed purple, Taehyung immediately knew who it was. That was his mother. The mother he never got to see in his life. Maybe just a picture or two. "M-Mommy.." Taehyung spoke with a whisper. Tears forming as she then opened her eyes. The softness in her eyes with the warming feeling she had. All she did was stare at Taehyung with glossy eyes before she patted lightly at Taehyung's stomach.

"Everything will be okay." She spoke softly. Like an echo to Taehyung's ears as he slowly nodded. With just another blink, Taehyung woke up. Taehyung sat up and rubbed his face. Suddenly lifting his shirt to check out his stomach and where the pain came from. Pushing down on his stomach before he hugged at his waist.

What the hell happened? What did that dream mean? Did his mother come visit him? But why like that? Why was he in pain? So many questions but no one to ask why. It was up to Taehyung to figure out why but he didn't know how to figure those unsolved questions out. Just then, Taehyung heard a knock on his door. A hum signalling for the person to walk in which was Korain.

The man smiled at Taehyung who smiled back lazily. "I just need to go change and i'll be ready." Taehyung flipped the blanket off him before getting off the bed. With a nod, Korain sat on the bed. "You slept in the pack house. Everything okay?" Korain asked, concerned for Taehyung who sighed and shrugged. "Yeah. Just an argument. Jungkook and I don't see eye to eye." Taehyung put on his shoes.

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