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Jungkook took a couple of deep breaths before he got back up onto his feet. Shaking his fur before he stomped his paw onto the ground. Jungkook had been trusting his gut feeling when running. It wasn't like that until Jungkook took a moment to calm himself. Then he started to trust in the gut feeling he was having for the directions.

Jungkook was so glad to have been trusting his gut feelings because not long after, Jungkook came across two wolves. Specifically, Joy and Daeil who were ready for Jungkook to come by as they sensed him from afar. Stopping in his tracks, Jungkook looked at the two. Joy standing behind Daeil before she stepped beside Daeil.

Jungkook growled under his breath, warning the two but before he could make peace, Daeil pounced onto Jungkook. Jungkook was weak and tired at this point and so the anger grew within him instead. His claws digging into the stomach of Daeil's stomach. They hurt Korain and took his mate. No way did he have time to prove who was the stronger alpha here.

Eyes glowing green, Jungkook felt the same feeling fueling through him. Something shooting through him before just like like that, he ended the fight within seconds and was releasing the limp body from his mouth. His eyes stayed the same bright green color as he stepped over Daeil's body. Approaching Joy who took a few steps back.

Jungkook growled deeply. The sound rumbling through him and just like that, Joy was bowing before Jungkook. Not trusting Joy just yet, Jungkook raised his paw to scratch at Joy who whimpered but stayed as she was. She looked into the eyes of Jungkook. The green swirling pupils were dilated. She just watched Jungkook kill Daeil right in front of her and was not planning to be next, and so she knew what she had to do.

Without a second thought, Joy was leading Jungkook to the shack in the woods.

Taehyung fluttered his eyes open to see everything moving around him. Just to find out he was being dragged across the basement floor before he was placed on a chair. Taehyung's head was pounding in pain. Everything hurt, his body, his heart, everything! The sudden regret of not telling Jungkook about their pup hitting Taehyung like a brick.

Taehyung was afraid there was no longer a pup to speak of. Flashes in his head coming and going as he saw everything from when he was happy. From when he was just a kid to laying with Jungkook on the couch. In small flashes, before he was gasping for air once he felt like he was suddenly drowning.

Opening his eyes, Taehyung coughed as he looked down at his soaking clothes from the pale of water being splashed onto him. "Finally." Mingyu put the bucket down. "Time to put those powers to good use." Mingyu smiled widely while he rubbed his hands together. Taehyung had his eyes on the three beds in front of him that had three men on them. One was unconscious, almost as if he was dead. The other one had a deep scratch on his stomach and the other had a punctured lung- or at least that's what he assumed from the breathing.

Taehyung looked at Mingyu before he shook his head. "That will kill me," Taehyung spoke in a dull tone. "You've done it before. I'm sure you can do it again." Taehyung looked away from Mingyu to look at the men on the beds. How did this even manage to happen? Something was so wrong here and Taehyung couldn't make up anything. "Heal them," Mingyu spoke out louder.

Mingyu looked at Taehyung before looking over at the three men. These men played an important role in this plan but yet they went out and got themselves injured. Mingyu's plan started to fall apart slowly but that wasn't going to stop Mingyu. He had a goal and so he was planning to achieve that goal.

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