Vomit on Squirrels

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November 23, 2008

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November 23, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Camp

"Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got some squirrel! Let's stem 'em up!" Daryl was calling as we all followed him back up to the camp.

"That's Merle's brother?" Dean asked me suspiciously and I couldn't help but to chuckle.

"I know. I was expecting someone older. Someone... uglier." I said with a chuckle glancing over at my brother who was now glaring at me as we moved into the center of camp.

"Chill out Darylina. I'm coming. Oh, Eves! Come meet my baby brother." Merle called, catching my eye before I could get dragged off by someone else to do some sort of chore, and I nodded with a smile and walked over, glancing back once to make sure my family was following, which they were, when I finally made it over to Merle's side.

"Daryl, this is Evangeline Winchester, and her brothers Dean and Sam. They're old friends." Merle introduced, sounding sincere for once as he plopped down onto the log next to Daryl, who was staring up at my brothers while he skinned a squirrel.

"Yeah. I already met Evangeline out in the woods. Chopping some geeks head open." Daryl snarked, only sparing one quick glance at me before turning his eyes back to his squirrel.

"Yeah, well. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do." I snarked back, crossing my arms over my chest when he didn't even bother to look at me.

"Also, it's Evie. Don't call me Evangeline. That goes for you two Merle. Or do I have to lay your ass out again?" I sassed, glaring at Merle who just smirked at me, before I turned my attention back to Daryl who was staring up at me, confused.

"Wait. How exactly do you know each other? I've never heard of you, and you don't exactly look like my brother's type." Daryl said, switching his eyes between Merle and I, since apparently my brothers didn't feel much like talking.

"Well. We worked together. A few times. Ten years ago." I said simply, not knowing how exactly to break the news of the supernatural to him. Hoping his brother would do it.

"You worked together? Merle's never worked. Nothing besides the army. And he was too screwed up after that to do anything." Daryl said, glaring suspiciously up at me.

"Yeah, well..." Before I could think of something, Cas popped up right next to me, holding a green looking Bobby, who promptly threw up, all over Daryl's squirrels.

"Oh what the fuck!" Daryl screeched, falling backwards off the log into the dirt, but it didn't even seem like he minded as he scrambled backwards, trying to find enough purchase so he could stand up.

"Cas!" I cried, turning to look at the man who just shrugged at me, and then I turned to Bobby who was still gagging, bent over at the waist.

"Who the fuck is that! How did they just appear out of nowhere! What the fuck! What the fucking fuck! You barfed on my squirrels! What the fuck!" Daryl was screaming, looking between myself, Merle (who seemed thoroughly amused), Cas, Bobby and the squirrels.

"Look... we'll explain everything. But first... maybe we should wash off the squirrels." 

A/N: Alright guys! Sorry it's a little bit shorter than usual, BUT this is where we are going to start to seriously deviate from the main story line of TWD, and no, it won't go back into the storyline from SPN, since obviously that wouldn't work with the zombies and everything, BUT it will have ties to both, but I'm going to try and make it something completely new and different so that you and I don't get bored. 

So please hang with me for the next few chapters (which I will hopefully post tomorrow) since it's going to be a little bit of a struggle to move it away. If anything doesn't make sense, please feel free to let me know since I won't have much to use as a structure for the chapters after this one!

Thanks, and much love (especially to those of you who actually read this!) 

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