Drunken Confessions

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A/N: I know that there have been a LOT of heavy chapters the past while, so get ready for a light, fluffy chapter! 

A/N: I know that there have been a LOT of heavy chapters the past while, so get ready for a light, fluffy chapter! 

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November 27, 2008

Senoia, Georgia

Greene Farm

That night, we had a party. 

Andrea and Glenn had found a semi that was delivering... you guessed it, tons and tons of booze. And of course, seeing as it is the end of the world, and we have somehow managed to survive, and we had a safe place to lay our heads for the night since T-Dog was unlucky enough to get a huge ass scratch, we figured why not? 

Plus, Dean, Sam, Bobby and I had a shit ton of grieving to do. 

So, after dinner, which was graciously supplied by our hosts, Merle helped Andrea crack open the plywood box full of bottles of Jack Daniels, and passed around bottles. 

Lori, Carol, Dale and T-Dog, and the kids obviously, were the only ones who declined, saying that some people needed to be sober, and T-Dog couldn't because of the meds that Hershel had given him. But the rest of us? Shit, I've been drunk before, but I don't know if I've ever been that drunk. 

"Jesus this is good!" Merle yelled, almost at the top of his lungs, but no one was even worried. This farm had zero walkers on it. Don't know how they did it, but honestly, right now honey, I don't give a damn. 

I was lounging, on my back, in the cool grass, staring at the stars as I slowly sipped at my bottle. It was beyond half empty, and I was working on probably the last third of the bottle when Daryl practically fell down next to me. I looked at his bottle, and it was barely open, but based on the way he had sat down, this was probably bottle number two. 

"Hey darlin." He rumbled out, taking a good long chug from the bottle as he leaned back on his elbows, his knee brushing my leg. I was so hyperaware of everything he does it was crazy. I've had sex with lots of men, well not really lots, but a good share, and I had never been as attuned to what another man did before in my life. 

"Hey Dixon." I simply said, moving my gaze back up to the stars instead of where they had been resting on the side of his face. 

"What're you doin' over here? Party's over there." He grumbled, jerking an arm over towards the group who was huddled around the fire, laughing their brains out, and falling on his back in the process, letting out a low groan when he did. I laughed a little, but didn't turn to look. 

"Cas is somewhere up there. Well... not really. He said... he said that heaven is on a different... plane, or realm or something... I didn't really get it. He said... it's like... happening at the same time? Occuring just out of reach? We can interact with heaven, as in they can hear our prayers, but we can't see it, or touch it, but if we could, we could just reach out, and there it would be." I glanced over at him, and he was dumbfounded, didn't understand a single word I said. 

"Sorry, I know it doesn't make much sense. I didn't get it either obviously. He was always so good at that. Explaining things that didn't make sense. And even if you didn't really get it, he made you feel like you could." Daryl didn't say anything, just stared at me, and I found it so difficult to meet his eyes. 

They were gorgeous, let's be honest. They were deep, like the ocean, begging to let you in for a swim, but also dangerous. Tides beating against the sand, tearing away at the Earth just a bit at a time. If you swam too long they could pull you under, and I knew they could freeze over in a moment, leave you trapped beneath the surface, desperate for air, freedom... life. I didn't want to get lost in it. But I always was partial to things that could hurt me.  

"You're beautiful." He whispered, and I froze. 

"You're so drunk." I breathed out, and he snorted, and nodded his head. 

"Yeah. Doesn't mean I'm not right." I let out a little laugh, and turned my head away from him, hoping desperately that the cool night air would calm the flame that was ignited beneath my skin so he couldn't see. 

"What? Don't you know you're beautiful?" He asked again, voice as soft as silk, and I knew based on the roaring laughter coming from the fire that no-one could hear what he was saying, but I wished that he would stop. 

"Stop." I mumbled, but he didn't. 

"You're beautiful. I'll tell you that tomorrow when I'm not so drunk. Maybe you'll believe me then." He grumbled, almost like he was talking to himself, reminding himself to do it. I could see his bottle move out of the corner of my eye, and knew he was taking another drink. I copied him,  barely feeling it as the dark liquid burned its track down my throat. 

"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're going to remember any of this." I mumbled, so quietly that I didn't even think he could hear it, but when he grabbed my cold hand in his warm one, and pulled so that I would look at him, I knew he did. 

"It doesn't matter if I remember or not. You're still going to be beautiful to me. Even if I forget to say it." 

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