Death for Two

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November 27, 2008

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November 27, 2008

Senoia, Georgia

The Highway

When we got back to the highway, the group was sitting around outside the RV eating some kind of mystery meat that Daryl probably found. Sam, Ruby, Uncle Bobby and Cas were sitting off to the side, looking a tad bit uncomfortable, and the rest of the group was sitting in silence. 

"You're back!" Carl cried as soon as his eyes locked on Rick, he leaped out of his seat and rushed at Rick, practically tackling him while Dean helped me over the railing and Merle leaped up after us. 

"How'd it go?" Daryl asked, standing up from his seat. He looked so on edge that I almost felt bad for leaving him here with them but at the same time, he had the easier job, at least in my opinion. 

"Well. We met some people, on a farm. Hershel and Otis. Otis was the one who made the shot. He was hunting. But they said we can come over so they can treat T-Dog. Otis was a volunteer EMT and Hershel was a vet so together they should be able to fix up his arm." Rick explained, while I glared at Rick since he left out the fact that he put us in serious danger. 

"Good. If T-Dog doesn't get some treatment soon, he could die." I glanced at Cas, wondering why he hadn't offered to heal him, but I felt my heart freeze in my chest when I looked at him. Cas looked horrible. He was pale and sweaty, and he looked horrible. 

"Cas? Cas are you okay?" I cried, totally ignoring whatever was being said as I practically sprinted over to him, with feet hitting the pavement behind me, probably belonging to Dean. 

"What happened?" I asked, glancing at Bobby who was sitting next to Cas. Bobby looked worried and when I looked back at Cas, his eyes were locked on me and they were cloudy, unfocused and made me want to cry. 

"He was bit." Bobby explained, resting his hand calmly on my shoulder, and it took me a minute to get it.

"Wait... you mean... he's dying? He's an angel, how can he die?" I cried, grabbing hold of Cas' face to try to get him to meet my eyes, but it was like he was already gone, as he stared through me. 

[Quick Intermission! For all you Supernatural fans: They haven't seen Cas die yet. Remember the first time he died was when Lucifer exploded him? And the apocalypse started before that. So, they didn't know Cas could die. Anyway! Back to it!]

"It seems like it." Bobby said sadly, and I felt tears drip down my face as I stared at the man. 

"When did it happen?" 

"When the herd came through. He didn't tell us until after you left and he started to feel worse." Bobby explained, and when I looked over at Sam and Ruby, they didn't even seem to care, just lost in their own world. 

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