A Shot in the Woods

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November 27, 2008

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November 27, 2008

Senoia, Georgia

The Highway

We had decided to spend the night on the highway, since it was almost dark by the time I had brought Sophia back. I had been stuck in Daryl's truck with him, both of us pressed as close to our respective doors as possible, to try and get as far away from each other as possible. It was an awkward night. I could tell he wanted to say something to me, but something was stopping him. Which I feel like isn't an unusual thing for him. 

When we finally all woke up, it wasn't a hard decision to collect some more gas and supplies before we left. We had been collecting some stuff for about two hours when a shot rang out, and we all froze. 

I glanced around at everyone, to do a quick headcount and everyone was here, but it still made me nervous. 

"Should we go see what that was?" Dale asked, as we all grouped up near the RV, and I could tell that everyone was trying their hardest not to show how nervous they were. Sophia was huddled up with Carol, who looked afraid to even be alive. Ruby was clutching onto Sam, Lori was holding Carl as close as possible while still managing to hide behind the little boy, but the others had all plastered on serious, unconcerned faces and I was actually pretty proud of all of them. 

"I could go. It shouldn't take long, the shot sounded pretty close." I offered, but Rick shook his head anxiously. 

"No... I don't think it's a good idea for us to be going off on our own. If... if people are concerned and they want to go check, then fine. But a group will go." Rick offered, trying to placate everyone, while keeping us all safe, and when I glanced around, Dean and Merle were the only two to meet my eyes. Dean huffed, but nodded. 

"I'll go with her." Dean grumbled, and Merle nodded too. 

"I'll go too. Can't let lit' ole' Eves off by her lonesome." He said, a smug smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, but Rick nodded and glanced around the group again. 

"Anyone else?" 

"Can I go?" Andrea spat out anxiously, her hand twitching on the gun that was strapped to her pants. I eyed her warily, and turned to look at Rick, who was also staring at her, a little bit of concern on his face. She still hadn't gotten over the death of her sister, and it would probably take her awhile to do so, but giving her dangerous opportunities didn't sound like a good idea to me. 

"I guess..." He started, and I cut him off. 

"I'd feel better if only people who had been trained carried guns. I know we haven't had this conversation yet, but it's dangerous. We can't have people shooting at shadows out here. We don't have any form of protection yet, and the sound draws them. We should do some gun training asap, but until then I think-" I was cut off by Andrea, who had her arms folded angrily across her chest. 

"Of course you would say that. Just because you think you know what your doing with a gun doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to protect ourselves!" She argued, and I honestly just wanted to ask if she had any brain cells at all. 

"I asked for no guns, I didn't say people shouldn't carry weapons. That's not safe either. But excuse me, for actually knowing how to use a gun. Sorry, but I'm not willing to get a bullet in the ass because you haven't actually ever fired your gun at a moving target." I hissed, glaring back at her, and then Rick finally stepped up, taking over the leadership role as he should have when she started arguing back anyway. 

"Enough. Evie is right. The only people who can carry, are Evie, Dean, Sam, Daryl, Merle and myself. If anyone has a problem with that, sucks. Hand your guns over to Dale. He will stay here, on watch, with a rifle while Dean, Evie, Merle and myself go out. Andrea, you'll stay here. Glenn, and Dale are in charge while we're gone. Listen to them. We'll be back by lunch. If not, stay here until morning, and if we're not back... leave." 

I didn't watch as Daryl yelled at Merle for leaving. I didn't watch as Lori and Carl broke down into tears as they said goodbye to Rick. I didn't watch Andrea scream at Dale for taking away her gun. I didn't watch Carol sob about everyone leaving, or watch Sophia watch her mother, learning how to be weak. I didn't watch Glenn nervously ring out his hat, sweat dripping down his face at the thought of his impending leadership role. 

I didn't watch Sam and Ruby walk off, totally unconcerned with the fact that Dean and I were heading off into the woods, searching for a gunman. 

But I did watch as Daryl locked eyes with me, a guilty look on his face, but he still refused to come up to me. I did watch as Bobby hugged Daryl, just incase it was goodbye. 

But when he pulled me into one of his classic, bone crushing hugs, my eyes slammed shut and all I could focus on was the feeling of the arms of my father figure, the warmth that radiated from him, and the desperate wish that I could come back to this feeling in only a few hours. 

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