Mind-Numbingly Stupid

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November 26, 2008

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November 26, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Woods

The path was pretty easy to follow honestly. There was a clear, about five feet wide trail made by the walkers through the woods. Some times there were random splits, where they diverged to get around some trees, but still, easy to follow. 

It didn't take me long to catch up to the back of the pack. I was practically sprinting through the woods, and they walk pretty slow. When I saw the back of the first head, I jerked to a stop, trying not to make much noise while I figured out how to do this. 

From what I could see there were thirteen, but there might be more further up that I couldn't see, and I couldn't see Evie anywhere but I knew she had to be at the front. 

With slow, careful steps, I made my move. I came up behind the one closest to me, and used my hunting knife to shove up into his brain from behind, and carefully lowered him to the ground so it wouldn't clue in the other walkers. Then I moved onto the next. 

It was pretty easy honestly, and it only took me about five minutes to kill eight of them, when I finally got something more difficult. There were two up to the right, walking side by side so if I killed one the other would notice and I couldn't kill both and lower them to the ground, it'd be too heavy. To the left, were three more. They were slightly more staggered than the other two but they were further ahead then the others, so if I went for them first the others would see it. 

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I still couldn't see Evie and it was stressing me out. 

I finally made a choice, after about fifteen more steps, and decided to just go for them ones on the right. 

I grabbed the one on the far right first, slamming the knife into it's head and letting it basically slide down my body, while the other one turned its attention to me. When the first was finally on the ground, and the second was now snarling, scary close to my face, I shoved the knife between its eyes, and helped it to the ground. 


Now to the others. 

I skirted through the trees to the other three, and it wasn't until I was right behind the first one that I could see her. She was jogging, maybe seven feet ahead of the furthest one, who was growling and trying to reach her, but she seemed completely unconcerned as she whistled and jogged steadily through the woods, like she was out for a morning job, nothing strange or dangerous following her at all. 

I killed the back one, and then took out the other three. I started to jog after her, trying to catch up while not saying anything in case there were others around, but after a quick glance through the trees, I decided it was probably safe to tell her it was safe now. 

"Evie!" I hissed, trying not to be too loud just in case, but it still freaked her out, and when she turned her head to look at me jogging along behind her, she tripped over a branch, and fell flat on her face. 

"Shit! You okay?" I asked, sprinting the last few feet over to her, and rolling her over onto her back when she didn't do it herself, and then I realized why. She was cracking up laughing. 

"Oh... Oh God! That was hilarious! Shit! That hurt!" She said, while laughing her ass off, and I couldn't help but wonder, not for the first time, if this woman was mentally stable. 

"You alrigh'?" I grunted, putting my hands on my knees as I knelt in front of her, and she finally pulled herself up to sit. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine! Shit, sorry. I laugh at the wrong times. Anyway... uh... what happened to the zombies?" She asked, suddenly remembering why she was running through the fucking woods in the first place. 

"I got 'em. You ready to head back?" I asked, not wanting to really talk about how batshit crazy I was, taking on all the walkers for her. 

"Uh, I guess so." She said, standing up and brushing her hands on her legs, knocking the dirt off, and I copied her. She turned back the way we came and started walking towards the camp, and I realized she was about to see exactly what I did. 

"Wait... so you killed all those walkers? By yourself?" She asked, as we passed by the first set of three, the last ones I had killed, and I cringed, but nodded. I made sure to readjust my crossbow so I could protect us, just in case, as I followed along behind her, but she didn't let me do that for long, and not even five minutes into our walk back, she fell back to stand next to me. 

"Sorry, I just can't walk up there, feels like your my bodyguard or something." She mumbled, but I didn't say anything as we walked through some more of the walkers dead bodies. 

"Why'd you do that?" She asked suddenly, and I froze for a moment, not really knowing what to say, but it didn't take me long to take another step and keep going. 

"I couldn't just let you run through the woods with a pack of walkers on your tail, with no weapons, and hope you'd end up back alive. It was stupid what you did." I grunted, and she scoffed. 

"I think you mean brave." She snarked at me, and I couldn't help the nasty glare I shot at her in response. Sure, it was brave, but it was also mind-numbingly stupid. She rolled her eyes when she met my glare and gave me a cheeky smirk, right as we walked back into the camp clearing. 

"Don't make that face. You love it." And then she was swept into the arms of her brothers, and I didn't even get the chance to decide if I wanted to say yes, or snark back. Let's be honest though. I'd probably just snark back. 

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