Where's Home?

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July 1, 2009

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July 1, 2009

Day 201

I sat on the hood of the Impala, staring down at the map in my lap, covered in multi-colored circles, and wanted to blow my brains out. 

We had spent the last seven months winding our way between herds of zombies, packs of werewolves, vampires, and all other manners of creatures, and we still hadn't been able to find a single place to hole up and live; however, I am quite proud that I have kept everyone alive. 

The longest we were able to stay in one building was three weeks, and just as I was getting confident that we could stay, we were attacked by a group of wendigos. That was back in Alabama. We are now wedged right in the middle of one of the most boring states in history, Iowa. 

It's pretty much just rolling farmland hills, with a few small towns dotted here and there, and so far we haven't come up on anywhere big enough to make sustainable, but I'm debating just picking the next McMansion I see and setting us up there so Lori can give birth. She is right about to pop now, and it'll be any day now. 

"You got any ideas?" Daryl's voice grumbled as he came up beside me. I started, almost scratching the heels on my combat boots on the hood. 

"Jesus Daryl. Don't do that." I hissed, looking up at him, and taking a quick sweep around the small camp we had set up last night in the middle of a deserted dirt road leading to who knows where. Everyone else had pretty much disappeared into the woods that flanked our camp, except Carol, Lori and the kids, and Hershel and Dale who were keeping watch from the top of the RV. And apparently Daryl who was now pulling himself onto the hood beside me. 

"Seriously. You see anything? Cuz I've been staring at that thing for weeks and I've not seen anything." Daryl grunted, apparently not wanting to listen to my whining today. 

"We could maybe slip through here? We would either get through before the zombies meet the vampires and let them fight it out, or we'd get trapped and get pulled into the fight."

"We could just stay here. Nothing's headed this direction. Could wait to see who slips by and leaves us a gap." Daryl suggested, chewing on his thumb. I rolled my eyes at him, but let it go turning my attention instead back to the map. I ran my finger down the line showing the road we were on, and turned my attention back up to him. 

"Where does this road go?" Daryl looked away from me, down the road in the direction that we hadn't come in from and shrugged. 

"Dunno. Merle and T were supposed to be going to see if they could find anything down there." Daryl said, leaning back onto one arm as he got more comfortable, giving me a beautiful view of his strong arms flexing against the hood. I must have been staring too long because he cleared his throat awkwardly and I ripped my eyes away and turned my attention back down to the map. 

"Evie?" I jumped as Cas popped into existence right in front of us. I jerked backwards, almost falling off the car in the process, but Daryl's firm grip on my arm kept me steady. 

"God damn it Cas! What?" I yelled, forgetting for a moment that we aren't supposed to yell anymore. 

"Shh!" Daryl hissed at me, but I kept my eyes on Cas who looked incredibly amused. 

"What?" I said again, softer this time. 

"Dean found something." Was all he said, and I jerked up off the hood of the car, and was immediately ready to go. 

"What'd he find?" Daryl asked, filling in the blanks that I apparently just don't care about anymore. 

"Dean called it a 'Dooms-Day Prepper's Wet Dream'?" I immediately felt a grin fall on my face. I turned to look at Daryl, and for the first time, I think ever, he was smiling, and it made me feel giddy. 

We found it. 

"Cas, where is it?" I asked excitedly, turning to face him once again. 

"It is approximately fifteen miles east of here." I spun to face the sun, and realized I was facing down the dirt road. 

"We are so fucking lucky man." I mumbled under my breath, and I couldn't help it. We had been walking on eggshells around the topic for weeks, but Lori was about to give birth, and we were living in cars. This was the best thing to happen in months and I couldn't deny that this had nothing to do with Dean's and my leadership, and probably had more something to do with the fact that the universe owed us some shit, and it was finally paying up. 

A/N: Little short, but we are about to go into the main chunk of Part II, and sorry but I did want to give them all time to apocalypse glow-up without having to write every excruciating detail about how they were trained. Just know that Rick got over himself and he's been teaching, and everyones' a bad-ass now, pretty much like how they were right before they got to the prison. The difference is that instead of staying in Georgia, we've moved North because like I said in one of the earlier chapters, Dean and Evie hate the heat. Ergo: Iowa. If y'all have questions about stuff that happened in that seven month time span, let me know, and I'll answer questions as they come. But I think it's pretty self-explanatory. 

Love y'all!


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