The Quest to Save the Impala

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November 25, 2008

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November 25, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Camp

"You ready sis?" I was snapped out of my daydreaming of what that look in Daryl's eyes could have meant yesterday, by the firm hand of my brother, sitting heavily on my shoulder. I jerked, and straightened up, pulling myself off the log and totally doing a bomb ass job of pretending I hadn't just been fantasizing about what those eyes would look like as he... well... anyway. Maybe I wasn't doing such a great job since Dean was looking at me like I was a leprechaun-juggling werewolf with a severe case of the munchies. 

"Yeah. Totally ready. The uhm, Dixons? They ready?" I asked, trying to pretend that the blush now covering my face was because of the heat, and not because of the tightness in my lower abdomen just by thinking of the man with the perfect arms. 

"Uh... yeah... they're with Cas. You okay?" Dean asked, pressing his hand against my forehead, like he was checking for my temperature, and I wanted to awe at how adorable he was when he mother-henned, but we didn't really have time for this. So, I swatted his hand away, and started walking over to where Castiel had been earlier. 

"Yeah. I'm good. Just tired of this damn heat, ya know?" I said, catching the blue eyed brother's gaze as I rounded the corner of one of the other vehicles, and I felt the blush deepen. I really need to get a handle on this fucking nonsense. I mean come on. It's getting a tad ridiculous. I am a grown ass woman. A grown ass, independent, I don't-need-no-man-but-my-brothers type of woman. This fawning over a man, who I barely even knew, and hadn't really said anything to, was beneath me. 

Buck up Winchester. Dad would skin your ass if he saw you making a fool of yourself like this. 

"Everyone ready?" Merle asked, giving me a weird look as I finally brought myself back to reality and practically forced my body to cool itself off. 

"Yeah. Do we need to go over the plan again or is everyone good?" I asked, glancing between the men, and all of them shrugged. 

"Okay... let's do it again... just in case. Cas, you're going to teleport the Dixons up onto a roof or something, whatever you three decide is best, and you're going to cause a distraction. Just... do something to get the walkers to group up around whatever building you're on. Once you see that the walkers have left the Impala alone, you're going to port Dean and I into it. Once we've gotten the car far enough out of dodge, go get the Dixons and put them in the car with us, and we'll all have a nice little drive into the sunset. Clear?" I asked, looking around, and everyone nodded, except Daryl who seemed a little skeptical.

"And what happens if the walkers who we are acting as bait for, figure out how to get to us?" He spat harshly, glaring at me like it was my fault that walkers exist. I mean... it was... but he didn't have to remind me of it. 

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