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Dean stared at me for a good long time like he didn't quite hear what I said, so I, of course, said it again, much louder

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Dean stared at me for a good long time like he didn't quite hear what I said, so I, of course, said it again, much louder. 

"Damn it Dean! Where the fuck is Cas?" I yelled, storming over to him and vaguely noticing the others waking up. 

"Chill out woman! I sent him to watch over the others when he said the other one like disappeared or whatever. It was fine! Okay! We handled it." Dean said, waving me off like what happened was totally fine. 

"We handled it? We handled it?! Dean! Every single one of our friends was possessed by a demon and they tried to kill us! If Michael didn't decide to finally get his ass down here to save your sorry ass we would all be dead. Why the fucking hell would you send Cas away?" I growled out, my voice definitely at a higher pitch than normal as I practically screamed at my big brother while everyone else was waking up. 

"Calm the fuck down! I knew what I was doing okay? It's fine. Everyone is fine. How about you pull that stick out your ass?" Dean snarked, and I felt my entire face flush red and he instantly paled. When I spoke again, my voice had turned calm, collected, and he and I both knew he was about to be in a world of hurt. 

"Hey Dean? How about... you go suck a fucking dick, you mother fucking asshole. I'm sorry that I am apparently the only sane one out of the two of us, and the only one that realizes how close we actually were to dying right there. You are a fucking idiot and it's amazing we've lasted this long." A ugly snarl came over his face, and before Sam could step in to try and cool everything down, because I knew he was about to by the look on his face and the hand that he was using to try and show Dean out of my personal bubble, Dean spoke. 

"You know we would've been just fine if you hadn't let your feelings for that fucking redneck overwhelm you, and let you get fucking captured by a demon. How about before you toss around blame you take a hard ass look at yourself." I couldn't help myself, I slapped him. Hard. The ring on my finger, the one Dad had given me when I turned sixteen, left a nice long cut across his cheek, that was already flaming red with the shape of my hand. 

"Fuck off Dean." I growled, spinning around before he or I could say anything else, only to be met with the dumbstruck faces of the other fighting members of our group. Specifically the redneck that my wonderful  older brother had so kindly called out my feelings about. He opened his mouth to speak, but I was definitely not going to have that conversation right now. So I did what I do best, I ran. 

Out the door and into the field surrounding the house. It took me a solid minute to get to the gate, but then I was up and over it, and running off into the woods. 

I needed a break. 

Maybe a good long one, from both my brothers and this fucking group. 

From Dean, and his overbearing self-righteousness. 

From Sam, and his addiction to demon blood that I am still not convinced that he has gotten over. 

From Bobby and his knowing looks. 

From Cas and his pleading eyes. 

Merle and his know-it-all speeches. 

Glenn and Maggie and their nauseating puppy love. 

Hershel, Dale and Rick and their fathering ways. 

Lori and Carol, and their always loving gazes, and helpful suggestions, and caring touches. 

Carl and Sophia and their innocence. 

T-Dog and his jokes. 

And especially from Daryl, and his everything that makes my heart feel like it's going to burst out of my chest. 

I watched as she ran out the front door, my heart pounding as her words rang in my head

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I watched as she ran out the front door, my heart pounding as her words rang in my head. 

We both might die tonight and I just can't go another second without saying this to you.

I can't not be in love you. 

You're rude, and overprotective, and you say things you don't mean but so do I and I love you for it. I love that you smell like dirt and sweat, and that you kill things for us, and that you want to help me keep this group safe. 

I love that you would do anything for them, and I love that I would do anything for you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you too. 

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