Bullet to the Brain

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November 26, 2008

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November 26, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Camp

It didn't take long after our return for everyone to pack up their things. Dean, Sam, Ruby, Cas, Bobby and I didn't have anything to pack, since we had just got the car back yesterday and we hadn't pulled anything out of it yet, so I spent my time helping Merle and Daryl pack up their stuff. 

Merle wanted to ride his bike, claiming that it would be helpful to have something small to be able to find paths through any roadblocks, and we needed another seat anyway. Since the arrival of Uncle Bobby and Cas, we were down a seat. Sam and Ruby weren't giving their spots up, and neither was Dean, leaving one spot in the back, and one in the front. Seeing as I get along better with Daryl, who happens to now have an empty seat in his truck, I was the lucky one to loose my spot and get kicked to the Dixon truck. 

Honestly the worst part was pulling that damn bike down off the bed of the truck. Merle and Daryl had put it up there when they joined the group apparently, who knows why, and hadn't taken it back down. They also lost the planks of wood they used the first time to get it up, so it was all just by lift now. 

It ended up taking Daryl, Merle, Dean and Sam to lift the heavy thing down without breaking any fingers. 

It was around ten by the time we were all packed up. Well... most of all of us. 

Shane, Jim, Ed, and a few others were staying. Carol and Sophia were coming with us, due to an altercation she had with Ed when we were out getting the car that apparently Rick had broken up, and broken Ed's jaw in the process. Ed had been beating on Carol for awhile, so it wasn't uncalled for, but now he was uninvited to join us, and Carol was taking advantage. 

"You sure you all don't want to come with us?" Rick was saying, standing up near the front of his car, that Lori, Carl, Carol and Sophia were all already packed into. He was facing off with about seven guys, all big, all strong, and all huge losses physically to this group. But honestly, they could have ended up being more trouble than they were worth. 

"Yeah. We're sure." Shane spat, and everything seemed pretty settled, until Morales spoke up. 

"We're not going either." He said, and I was honestly pretty shocked. He seemed like a nice, reasonable man, so I didn't get why he wanted him and his family to stay here with Shane the Pain. 

"What? Why?" Rick asked, looking about as confused as me. I glanced to my left at Daryl, who was leaning up against the front of his truck, same as me, but he had no expression on his face. I mean really? I just want someone that I can share my confusion with.

"We have family in Birmingham. We want to be with our people." Miranda explained, finally stepping up when she realized her husband was at a loss for words. 

"You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back." Shane said, like he was checking their brain cells. 

"We'll take the chance. I got to do what's best for my family." Morales spat, glaring over at Shane. 

"You sure?" Rick checked, and Morales nodded. 

"We talked about it. We're sure." Rick nodded, and turned around to grab something out of the trunk of the Jeep he was going to be driving, and when he closed it, I saw a handgun and a box of bullets in his hand.

"Shit." Daryl hissed, and when I looked over again, a glare had settled on his face and this time it was pointed at Rick. 

"What?" I asked, but he didn't even spare me a glance. 

"The box is half full." Rick said, handing the box and the gun over, and Morales smiled. 

"Thank you all... For everything." Miranda said, and Lori got out of the Jeep to give her a hug, before retreating back to it, like something was gonna jump out and bite her. 

"Good luck man." Shane said, but he sounded like he meant the exact opposite. 

"Appreciate it." Morales said, trying to control the venom in his voice, but I could hear it clear as day. Eliza and Louis had ran over to the Jeep to say goodbye to Carl and Sophia, and I saw Eliza pass something through the window to Sophia, but couldn't tell what it was. 

"Channel forty if you change your minds. All right?" Rick said, clasping a hand to Morales shoulder and he nodded. 

"Yeah." Morales agreed, and took his kids and led them over to their small Accord, and a few minutes later they drove off, leaving dust in their wake. 

"What makes you think your odd are any better?" Shane hissed, and I didn't miss Rick's hand on his gun, and neither did Daryl, both of us tensing up in response. 

"Bye Shane. I hope this works out for ya." Rick growled, and turned his back. When Shane raised his shotgun, and pointed it at Rick's back, I didn't hesitate. 

I yanked out my gun, aimed, and pulled the trigger before he could even cock the stupid thing. The bullet, silver, as I hadn't had time to change them out since our last hunt, hit him square in the middle of his forehead, and he toppled backwards into his men, not a sound falling from his stupid mouth. 

I could hear screaming coming from somewhere, but my attention was focused on Rick, who had looked at me for a second, but it felt like hours, before he turned to look at the man who used to be his partner. 

When the six men that were left pulled their guns, I saw Daryl raise his bow out of the corner of my eye, and I could hear the tale-tell sounds of guns being cocked behind me, ready to fire. They all saw what happened, even if Rick didn't. What I did was self-defense, and we wouldn't go down easy. 

"Put them away. Now." I growled, since Rick still hadn't pulled his gun, and if they fired, they would aim for him first. Easiest target and all that. 

"Why should we?" Jim growled out, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 

"How about, to save your fucking lives. Shane aimed his gun, at Rick's back. I saved his life. We're square. But if you point those guns for much longer, we will take that as a threat." I growled out, moving steadily from the Dixon truck to Rick's side, and then I moved in front of him, ready to take a bullet to save this man. He was the man who the group had picked as leader, and I would honor that. 

I watched, as the men shared wary glances, before finally lowering their weapons. 

"Good. Now. Unload the guns, and put them in that chair by the fire." They did as I said, only taking a moment to unload their small handguns. And then they moved back to where they had been standing before, but this time, weapon free and with their arms raised. 

"Great. Rick. Walk back to your car, get in it, and lead the group away. Daryl will come and pick me up, right Daryl?! And then we'll be on our way." I said, yelling a little bit to make sure Daryl heard me, and when I received a grunt in return I figured that was his way of saying 'Yes Evie, I'd love to come and grab you so you don't have to worry about being killed by those big men.' I listened as Rick's footsteps faded away, the Jeep's engine revved, followed by the sound of several other cars, one RV, and one motorcycle, and then one veered off from the path of the others to come and get me. 

Daryl Dixon. My savior.

When he pulled up, he pulled in front of me, between the men and I, so the passenger door was right in my face, and he could protect me from the men while I got in. 

It didn't take me long, and when I closed the door, we were off. 

"Well... that was fun." 

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