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"So... we got a long walk ahead of us, you want me to call Cas to come get us? Or...?" I trailed off, awkwardly looking up at him when we finally pulled away from each other. Obviously, I wasn't really asking if he wanted to walk back, it was the underlying question he needed to answer. Did he want to spend time with me, or get back to the group who would definitely be okay with us being gone a few days. 

He stared down at me, obviously uncomfortable as he started chewing on his fingernails, which was a nervous habit of his that I had noticed he did mostly just around me. Whatever that means. He cleared his throat once and finally answered the question. 

"Well, I don't mind walkin' back, and you said you wanted some space from the group, might as well just take our time. Plus Carol and Lori's bitchin' has really been gettin' on my nerves." He had an unsure smile on his face, but when I let the happiness I was feeling show it spread into a wide grin. 

"Great. Hold on, let me just tell Cas we are heading back." I said, a small smile on my face as I started to walk back in the direction I thought the group was. 

"Hey! Cas! I'm praying to ya! Just wanted to let you know that Daryl and I are fine, and headed back to camp, but I still need some space from the group so we're just gonna walk back. See you in a few days, do not bother us unless someone is dying!" I called loudly out into the open air as I took about seven or eight steps. It was only when I finished talking that I realized Daryl wasn't behind me, and I when I looked back, he was still standing in the same spot we had our first kiss, smirking at me. 

"What?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips as he stared at me. 

"Nothin'. You're just goin' the wrong way." He drawled, a smug smirk on his face as he bent down to pick up his crossbow, and started walking in literally almost the opposite direction I had thought. 

"Oh." I mumbled, before realizing he definitely wasn't waiting on me, and having to sprint to catch up with him. 

"When's the last time you ate?" I asked when she finally caught up to me, huffing and puffin', and I knew it wasn't cause she was outta shape, that girl had run for two damn days straight, but she was definitely runnin' on fumes

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"When's the last time you ate?" I asked when she finally caught up to me, huffing and puffin', and I knew it wasn't cause she was outta shape, that girl had run for two damn days straight, but she was definitely runnin' on fumes. 

"When did we eat last before I died?" I choked, that was three days ago, almost four if we're being honest about when the last time we ate was. 

"So too damn long then." I growled out, immediately scanning the woods for something I could shoot down for her, but it was bare bones. I hadn't seen anythin' in these woods now that I thought about it. And the only tracks I ever saw when I was chasin' her was walkers. 

"You remember seeing any houses on your crazy-ass run out here? Try to find ya some food?" I asked, glancing over at her. I could tell she was starving, had that glint in her eye that girls get right before they get super hangry, but it hadn't happened yet, thank God. 

"No, I was just trying to go, didn't even think of stopping till I saw that shack and realized how tired I was." She mumbled, hands swinging at her sides and it was then I realized that she didn't have any weapons on her at all.

"Where the hell your weapons girl?" I growled out, scanning her over one more time just to make sure I didn't miss anything, and definitely not as an excuse to look at her. 

"You tell me honey, you took 'em all." I almost fell on my face. Honey? Do I look like a honey? I glared at her, and when she smirked at me I realized what she was doin'. She was one of those. One of those women that give you bitchy ass nicknames when you're pissin' em off. 

"Well, dear, it wasn't exactly me who took them huh?" I snarked back, and she let out a laugh, bumping her shoulder into my bicep as she did. 

"True true. Anyway, what are we gonna do about food cause I'm starved." I shrugged, looking around to forest again for any tracks, but apparently I missed some kind of signal, cause a second later she was shoving the crossbow out of my hands, and before I could yell at her, she launched herself at me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, hands digging into my hair. 

My hands grabbed her ass on instinct, and I immediately started to apologize, but before I could, she had shoved her mouth up against mine, dominating the kiss and putting everything she could into it. 

I felt a growl rip out my throat, and without thinking about it, I shoved her up against the nearest tree, almost falling in the process since I couldn't see a root that was sticking out of the ground, but her mouth never left mine. 

"Fuck. Sorry, just..." She tried to say, as she pulled away for just a minute to breath, but apparently go distracted again as she shoved herself back onto me. It was only weird for a minute, and then I felt this super weird twinge, and I was way more into it then I was just a second ago, diving my tongue into her mouth, and shoving up against her, pinning her to the tree as hard as I could. 

"God I love you." I mumbled, pulling back to breathe for only a moment and then moving down to her neck as she let moans slip through those beautiful lips of hers. 

"Love me, love me, love me." She mumbled under her breath, over and over and over, and I did, it felt like I was starving without her, like I was a man, dying of thirst in a desert, and she was my oasis, and Lord, do I love her. 

A/N: Heh, hem. So... yeah... some of you who haven't seen Supernatural may not quite get this... but those of you who have, we're gonna start getting back into the SPN story line a bit, welcome to the apocalypse y'all. And who comes first? War! Which obviously has been happening, what with the walkers and everything... and who comes second?? Let's see who knows their SPN history! 

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