Start of Something New

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December 13, 2008

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December 13, 2008

Day 1

"Let's go! Everyone up!" Dean called, moving around the tiny group that he had spent the past two hours watching over. It hadn't taken us long last night to come up with a plan for how things would work now. 

Obviously, Dean and I were going to be the leaders. But Daryl, Bobby and Sam were going to act as... our seconds I guess? Help make decisions and be the people that others go to when they need something that isn't worthy of bothering Dean or I. Merle, Castiel, T-Dog, Glenn and Maggie would be the runners, the ones that would go to collect supplies or scout ahead, pretty much anything that we needed done that wasn't within a mile of the camp. Dale and Hershel would be lookouts, both were fairly decent with the long-range rifle that we had brought with us from the farm, or at least they were the only two who knew how to use it.

Lori volunteered to tutor Carl and Sophia in the mornings, and Carol would tutor them in the afternoons, but they were required to take breaks to learn how to use weapons with everyone else at the scheduled time each day. Lori, Carol, Carl and Sophia would share the easier chores, washing clothes, making dinner, etc. And at least one person (Lori) would be doing it all the time. And then of course if they needed help, whoever wasn't doing anything (myself, Dean, or the others) would help out. 

And then of course everyone, after displaying that they could handle a weapon, would be on watch shifts at night. Which leads us to now, where Dean was coming off his two hour watch, and waking everyone to get this show on the road, right around six a.m. 

"Everybody up! Let's go!" Dean called, his deep voice bellowing throughout the makeshift camp that we had set up the night before in the ruins on the side of the road. Castiel and I had spent most of the night teleporting around, using a map that we had found in one of Hershel's cars, to find food, water, and anything else we could use. 

Honestly we had done pretty well, and only had to take out a few walkers. We had come back with enough food to last us at least three days if we ration well, so that's a good start. Now we just need to find somewhere to hole up for the Winter. Rick was right about one thing, we need to find someplace, especially for the winter, it will just get too cold to stay out in the open. 

Speaking of Rick, I didn't mention a job for him. That's cause he doesn't get one. Not until he proves that he's willing to work with the rest of the group, and not act like a leader that he no longer gets to be. 

Of course, there were some that weren't happy with this new arrangement. Lori, Rick and Carol being those 'some'. Carol apparently threw a royal bitch fit last night when Cas and I were gone, and apparently Daryl was able to handle it, not sure how, Dean refused to tell me how. Honestly I think he's trying to see if I'll get jealous, but he shouldn't worry about Daryl and I. He's made his view of me perfectly clear. Nothing will ever happen between us. 

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