Splitting Apart

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I watched dazedly as everyone around me argued on what it is we should be doing

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I watched dazedly as everyone around me argued on what it is we should be doing. Bobby was screaming over everyone, trying to get them all to listen to what he had to say about the horsemen, but no one was really paying him much mind. Most of our group seemed to simply want to run, hide away from what the horsemen were doing to the world and wait for it to either fix itself, or for the world to finally end. 

It was then, as I watched the fear in the eyes of my group that I considered family, compared to the determination in the eyes of the men I loved, that I knew what we had to do. 

"Stop." The world was barely a croak as it left my mouth, my throat dry with the knowledge of what I was about to do. It would break me, I was sure, but there wasn't anything for it. It wasn't loud, but everything went quiet in a blink as they turned to look at me. 

"We aren't doing this. We aren't going to fight over what is right and wrong here because I think we all know what needs to happen, even if none of us are willing to admit it. Dean, Sam and I will handle the horsemen, with Cas and Bobby as our backup, just like we were trained to do. And the rest of you are going to hunker down, and stay alive while we try to fix this." Is was so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat, but it didn't last long. 

"What? No! You aren't doing this by yourself!"

"But where are we supposed to go?"

"Who will take care of us?"

"This isn't the right call."

"It's their decision to make!" 

The voices ringing around me were blurred together and it was hard to know where the voices were coming from but the one person I didn't hear say a word was Daryl. He was staring at me, a knowing glint in his eyes that was being drowned by sadness. 

"Guys shut up! This is what we're doing. Daryl, you, Merle, and Glenn are going to hold everyone down while we are gone. Find a spot, stick to it, and then send Cas a message once you're there so we can find you. This may... this may take us awhile so you are all going to need to step up and help take care of things." Dean's no-nonsense voice cut through the chatter, and it was quiet once again as everyone finally began to accept what was happening. 

"Now... go get your stuff together, we move out in thirty." Merle's rough rasp spurred everyone into motion, everyone except for Daryl and I who had yet to move our eyes off each other. When everyone had cleared off it was like we were magnets, pulled together and before I knew it I was wrapped in his arms. He smelled like sweat, and musk, and everything him and I could feel tears pricking at my eyes knowing that I probably wouldn't be in his arms again in this lifetime. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" He whispered hoarsely in my ear and I nodded. 

"No, it'll be better if you're here, watching them. They need you." I mumbled, pulling myself from his grasp before I lost all my self control. His sad blue eyes stared desperately at me, and I could tell he wanted to say something, but I knew he wouldn't, he wasn't the type of guy, and before him, I never was the type of girl that needed to hear it. But oh how I wish he would let me hear it. 

"Take care of them for me, and take care of yourself. I need you to still be here when I come back." I whispered, running my hand through his hair that was getting ever longer, and pushing it out of his face. A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips and he gave me a short nod. 

"As long as you come back." I nodded, leaning forward to press a soft kiss against his cheek. His hands grabbed my hips, and I knew this would go to far if I didn't pull away, so before he could pull me in, I jerked myself out of his hold, not knowing if anything that we had done the past few days were because he wanted to, or if it was because of the influence of the horsemen and I couldn't take advantage of him like that. 

"Bye Daryl." I muttered, taking one last lingering look at him, before sprinting over to where my brothers, Bobby, and Cas were already waiting in the trees behind me with our things. Cas reached his hand out to me as I approached, and when I extended my hand out to grab him, everything faded as he teleported us away from the people that I considered family. 

The End

Don't worry lovelies! There will be a sequel! I just felt like I needed to finish this book, and start over in a new book, and I felt like this would be a good place to stop it. When I have the first chapter for the new book figured out I'll post it here so you know it's up!

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