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It had been two hours of bullshit, and I was officially over it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It had been two hours of bullshit, and I was officially over it. Ghosts, two werewolves, a pack of vampires, and a shapeshifter later, and I was ready to climb into heaven and kill Michael just so this night would be over. 

I had gotten separated from Merle around the time that the vampires showed up, and was now blocked into a bathroom on the second floor, holding the door closed as a demon inhabiting what looked like a bodybuilder's body, shoved against the other side. 

I had lost my shotgun, well really I had run out of bullets. I was out of salt, used it all on keeping the ghosts out of the house (since it seemed like none of the ones we encountered were tethered to the house, more like something outside it, so with the salt, none were coming in). And my demon knife was just out of reach. If I let got of the door, I'd be able to grab it, but that could be super dangerous too since the dude that chased me up the stairs was at least twice my size and three times my weight and would probably tackle me before I could even pull it out. 

"MICHAEL. FOR FUCKS SAKE HELP US." I finally screamed. It was loud, super loud, louder than I thought I could even scream, but the man at the door kept shoving away, and I could hear fighting going on downstairs. Michael wouldn't help us. Not unless Dean was in danger and honestly maybe not even then. He would probably just bring him back to life again. 

"Fine. I'll just do it myself." I hissed, but then I heard a twang, and the banging stopped as something slammed into the door, but didn't return for a second hit. 

"Evie?" The gruff voice called, and I immediately threw the door open. It was Daryl, standing there like a knight in shining dirt, with his crossbow in his sweaty, bulging arms, looking about confused as I felt. I glanced down at the door, and the demon was definitely still alive, but struggling to move with the arrow through its forehead. It was trying to pull it out, and almost succeeding, but before it could I ripped the demon knife out of my pants and stabbed the thing in the heart. It flashed orange, and finally fell limp. 

I yanked the arrow out and turned around to give it to Daryl who was still staring at me. 

"You alright?" He asked gruffly, and I nodded, reaching my hand out with the arrow, and he nimbly grabbed it from me, making sure not to touch my hand with his as he did so. He nodded, and started to reload the crossbow as he was walking away, but I acted on instinct, and stopped him before he got too far. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, and his blue eyes flashed back to meet mine, they looked confused, but it was quickly wiped away and replaced with something else as he turned back to look at me. 

"It's fine." 

"No, it's not, let me just..." I started, raking my hands through my hair in anxiety but he just shrugged. 

"Look, it's fine really. Already forgotten." He said, with a twinkle in his eye that I didn't quite get, but I stopped him again, grabbing his arm in my hands and I was honestly a little surprised when he didn't even flinch. 

"No. Please just listen. I've been trying, so so hard to let this go. Really I have. Because I've never been good at this stuff and I know that you haven't either but we both might die tonight and I just can't go another second without saying this to you. I have tried, but I can't not be in love you. You're rude, and overprotective, and you say things you don't mean but so do I and I love you for it. I love that you smell like dirt and sweat, and that you kill things for us, and that you want to help me keep this group safe. I love that you would do anything for them, and I love that I would do anything for you. I love you." It felt like word vomit, and I immediately wanted to take it all back but it was true, and for a second I felt like he would say it back because his face was contorted with pain, like he wanted to say it but couldn't, but then his face morphed into a smirk and I felt the horror overcome my body. 

"Isn't that sweet?" His beautiful blue eyes turned black, and then his crossbow was flying towards my face and the world disappeared. 

Fight the Dead, Kill the Livingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن