A Conference In the Woods

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November 24, 2008

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November 24, 2008

Atlanta, Georgia

The Camp

Since Daryl and Merle were taken care of, I decided that now was a perfectly good time to go and see my uncle. So, Cas and I left the brothers with their squirrels and went back up to the camp to find my family. It took a minute, but eventually we found them back in the woods, a bit away from where we had been standing with Daryl and Merle at the lake.

"Uncle Bobby!" I called walking over to him. He was surrounded by my brothers and Ruby, and they looked like they had been talking about something but when he heard my voice, Bobby turned around to look at me with a smile and as soon as I was within arms reach he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"How've you been girly?" Bobby asked, holding me tightly against his chest.

"Good. I've missed you Bobby." I softly whispered, allowing myself to enjoy one of Bobby's rare hugs. He must have been so worried about us...

"What have you three been up to?" Bobby asked, pulling away from me to look at the boys.

"Trying to get to you. It took us two weeks to get here from Florida. And we couldn't get ahold of Cas for a while, just got him yesterday. I mean... it's been a long two-hundred miles." Dean explained, looking kind of guilty at the fact that he couldn't get us to Bobby quicker, but Bobby just shrugged it off.

"Well where's the Impala? I left a book about zombies in there and I think it could help. I brought the ones I had, but I've read through them these past two weeks, and they didn't say much about how to get rid of all of them. Just how to kill one. That other book might have more information. If not, we'll need to try and contact the others. See if they know anything." Bobby said, pulling some books out of his bag and handing it to Sam, who reluctantly took them.

"Well... Cas and I could teleport in, get the Impala. Maybe we could set up a distraction or something so we can get the zombies in the street away from the car?" I asked, glancing around at my family, and all of them except for Ruby looked displeased.

"No. If we go in, we go in as a family. If it gets hairy, Cas can just get us out. But you aren't going in alone." Dean said angrily, not even bothering to hide the scowl on his face.

"It might be easier though, with a smaller group." I argued, not wanting my brothers to be in danger again.

"No. Evie. He's right. You should go together." Bobby said gently, squeezing my shoulder to try and get me to calm down, which it did, like always.

"Well I'm not going back." Ruby said bitchily, and when we all glared over at her, she hurried to explain.

"I don't have my knife, since you three lost that, so I don't really have a weapon. Plus, if I lose this body, I won't be able to find one that doesn't have an inhabitant, and isn't rotting in the ground. You know. Since they all come back. Plus, it would take me like, forever to get back to you all if I died. I mean, it took Dean two weeks to do two hundred miles." Okay, I get it. But like, if we die, then we die. But we're still going in? But whatever. She's a demon anyway.

"Fine. You don't have to come." I said finally, ending the glaring match between her and everyone except Cas, who didn't seem to care about anything right now, and Sam, who is an ass.

"I don't want to go either. Why don't you three just go? You can handle it. You have an angel." Sam said what I believe to be the first words he has said in a while, and I just wanted to shove them back down his throat.

"You're such a dick." Dean growled out, letting his anger take over. I don't think he knows about the blood yet. I only know since I saw him sneaking some from a flask on a job, and then I saw Ruby filling it up from her wrist later. I'll need to tell him and Cas on the trip to get the Impala if Sam doesn't come.

"No. I'm just not needed. Come on. Evie could have done this herself, but you demanded that she not go alone. You're going with her, ergo, she's not going alone. Look, you two did just fine without me for years. You can handle one simple thing by yourselves. I'll stay here, and guard the camp."

It seemed like our discussion had attracted people, or maybe they were just coming up from the lake and heard us but behind Sam's shoulder I could see Daryl and Merle walking up to us.

"Hey! What's this about guarding the camp? What's going on?" Merle asked, merging himself into the small circle we had formed, with several skinned squirrels draped over his shoulder, tied together by a string around their necks.

"Dean, Cas and I are going back into Atlanta to get our car. It has things we need in it. Things that can't be replaced." I said, glancing between Merle and his very hot brother, who was still standing slightly outside of the circle, but Cas had moved closer to me so that Daryl could join if he wished.

"Oh. When you going? I'll come with ya. Help with distracting the geeks. That is your plan right? To distract the geeks and have Cas zap you into the car?" Merle guessed, glancing between Cas and I with something akin to suspicion written on his face, but I couldn't quite figure out why.

"Yeah. That's the plan." I said simply, crossing my arms when I noticed that Daryl was staring right at me, and had been for a while.

"I'll come to if you have the room. I wanna see what it's like in the city." Daryl said simply, his blue eyes flickering between Cas and I, and then moving over to Dean and Merle, who both had shrugged.

"Sure. If you think you can handle it. We'll probably be running the whole time." Dean said hesitantly, since Daryl had never been on a hunt, to Dean he was unproven.

"I think I can keep up." 

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