Chapter 2- Joining the Team

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'Oooooohhh noooooo...' Was all that went through my head. What else am I supposed to think? The guy that Shoyo wanted to get revenge on, is most likely his future teammate.

That guy, who I still don't know the name of, looked at him for a while before a look of realization came across his face. "I met you last year... But I don't know your name."

Shoyo looked a bit nervous and stuttered out his name. "M-my name is Hinata Shoyo. You probably don't remember the team you beat in the first match!"

"I remember you very well." He replied calmly. He looked at him for a bit.

Apparently, Shoyo thought he was silently picking a fight with him. He brought his hands up and looked as if he was ready to fight him. "What? You wanna fight?"

He ignored him though when he took notice of me. "Who are you?"

Even though Shoyo obviously didn't like the guy, I decided to be nice and introduce myself. "I am (L/N) (Y/N). I'm his friend." I said pointing towards a now confused Shoyo.

He just nods his head. "Oh okay. I'm Kageyama Tobio, nice to meet you." He gave a bow and I did the same.

"Nice to meet you too."

I see Shoyo whipping his head between me and Kageyama. "Huh?! (Y/N) why are you being friendly with the enemy?!" He shouted, looking betrayed.

"Eh?! I'm just being nice..." I can never really bring myself to be mean or rude, so I just thought that it would polite to give my name when he asked.

"But why?!"

"W-well, I think he's going to be your future teammate soon, so shouldn't I be polite?" I question with a head tilt.

"That doesn't matter right now!"

He didn't get a chance to continue though when Kageyama interrupted. "You were lousy!"

Shoyo looked at him distraught, before getting angry. "D-don't make fun of me. Sure we got slaughtered by you guys. Next time, I won't lose!" He pointed towards him. "That's what I pledged to myself so what are you doing here? How can I defeat you if we're on the same team?"

"Now that I think about it..." Both boys turned their heads towards me when I spoke up. "You're known as a good player, so shouldn't you be at some other school with strong players?"

Shoyo turned his head back towards him. "Hey she's right! Why is that? Why didn't you go there?"

Kageyama turned away from us with a scowl on his face. "The strongest school in the prefecture..." He turned back with a really angry expression on his face. "Rejected me."

We both looked at him confused and tilted our heads in unison. I spoke first. "You didn't make it?"

Shoyo continued. "Even though you're the King of the Court?"

Kageyama started gritting his teeth "Don't... Call me that!"

We became more confused when we saw that he hated the nickname. Then we heard voices come our way. "The first setter of Kitagawa is on our team?" 

"But the guy's totally cocky." The three of us looked towards where the voices were coming from.

"Don't try to intimidate him okay?"

'Those voices... Could it be...' I thought to myself. It's been a long time, but I think I recognize those voices.

"I-I wouldn't do something like that."

Shoyo didn't say anything but Kageyama and I both greeted them at the same time. "Hello".

When I saw them, a smile broke out on my face. 'It is them! But...' I looked towards the guy with the shaved head. 'What's with the face he's making?'

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