Chapter 39- Memory #5

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I remember that day clearly. Three years ago, where we were just a couple of first year middle schoolers. Even back then we would ride our bikes to school. Every day. But there was one day that was different. A day that brought us to where we are now, and it was thanks to something so small and simple. If it wasn't for it, would we have joined a different school? Joined a different club? It was small but yet important to Shoyo, and later me.

We were riding our bikes through town. Chatting about various subjects without a care in the world. We were simply talking about homework. "Anyway, do you think you could help me with it?" Shoyo asks me nervously.

"That's no good Shoyo, you ask me for help almost every time." I sigh. "You should study more. Then maybe you wouldn't have such a hard time."

He pouts. "But studying is hard..."

"You always say that! No wonder your grades are so bad." I stuck my tongue out.

"Mean!" He shouts. He suddenly stops his bike in front of the window of a TV shop. I was previously behind him so I just stop right next to where he's at. The TVs in the window would often have something on, so whenever we come by here, we would stop to check out what's on. We both curiously looked to see what was on today.

"Looks like it's a sports channel of sorts. Volleyball?" The players seemed older then us but not old enough to be adults, so I assume they were high schoolers. Back then I didn't have much of a care for sports and it seemed boring to me at the time, but I noticed how Shoyo's eyes were practically glued to the screen. "Shoyo?"

He watched with a shocked look on his face as someone did a spike. He then turned to me with eyes that almost looked as though they were sparkling. "(Y/N)! He looked so cool!"

I was unsure. "He does? Uh, yeah sure."

"I want to play too!"

"Huh?" That was sort of sudden.

"I want to play volleyball!"

"No I get what you mean, but why all of a sudden?" I ask.

He turns back to the TV. "Lot's of sports have tall players. I don't know why, but seeing someone who isn't very tall play a sport that seems like one made for tall people makes me want to become like him. The Little Giant..."

I looked at him with wide eyes for a few seconds before a soft smile spreads across my face. "Well... Then I say go for it!"

He immediately turns back to look at me. "Really?!"

I laugh. "Why not? I don't really care much for volleyball, or any sport in general. But I would like to support you. Besides, it's not like you need my permission."

He smiles big before hopping off his bike to give me a hug, nearly knocking me off my own. "Thank you so much (Y/N)! I know that you'll always be there for me."

His hug was awfully uncomfortable for me, it was way too tight for my liking. "That's nice Shoyo, but could you please let go now? Or loosen the hug?"

Instead he just hugs me tighter. "It's official. I know your going to be my biggest supporter! Who know, maybe you'll come to like volleyball in the end too!" I don't know why but I had the temptation to-


"WAH!" He screams out.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologize. "I don't know why. But that hug was so uncomfortably tight that I felt the need to bite you to get you to let go." I then spoke seriously. "So please don't do that again."

He stares at me for a little while before laughing. "My friend sure is weird. But I like you anyway!"

"Yay me." I then change the subject. "Anyway Mr. future volleyball star, we need to get going or we'll be late." I say as I took off ahead of him.

His eyes widen in alarm. "W-wait for me!"

'Volleyball huh?' I thought to myself. I thought back to Ushijima and Kuroo who often talked about said sport during the time I spent with them. 'Well... Let's see where this takes us!'

Back To The Present

And here we are now... It turns out Shoyo was correct when he said that I'll end up liking the sport.

What's going on now? The match is over and I'm at home, but not without the company of Angelina, Hitoka, and Kiyoko. At some point after the finals we decided that it'll be fun to have a little girl's night at my house. Hitoka and Angelina already know each other obviously since we often were together at the matches. Angelina and Kiyoko will be meeting each other for the first time, but I have no worries in the two of them getting along. Angelina seems nervous to meet her, but if she can get comfortable with talking to Hitoka as fast as she did, then I have no worries with Kiyoko.

We were all about ready to get to bed. Angelina and I were already finished and we're just waiting for the other two who were getting ready in my room. We were currently in the living room talking. And it was about something serious.

"Soooooo... Are you going to tell them soon?" Angelina asks.

"Do you think I should?" I was unsure.

What were we talking about you ask? My crush! Angelina was the only one I told about my crush. I didn't know anything about love, but I knew she would since she's the one who has a boyfriend. I've been asking her about different things relating to romance and she would always give me great advice. Although...

"My dear (Y/N), there will come a time where I'll teach about THIS and THAT." She says.

'What the heck did I do to unlock this side of her?!' Ever since I've told her about my crush, she would act weird about it. When I first told her about it, she had this smirk on her face and was like 'is that so.~' What happened to the usual shy Angelina?! She's like a teasing big sister now.

"Oh come on, there's no need to be shy." She says teasingly.

I curled up in embarrassment. "Uuuuuuugh..."

She laughs. "Okay okay I'm done. You can think of this as punishment for the times where you bit someone when I told you not to."

I looked at her before responding with a straight face. "Yes mom."

She flicks me on the forehead while I just laugh. "Anyway, I say you should tell them soon. It's been a while hasn't it?"

I hold one of the pillows from the couch I was sitting on and bring it to my chest and shrug my shoulders. "I guess."

"Then you should. I get your nervous, but lots of people are when it comes to confessing. Just don't take too long. At this point, I would say just go for it."

'She's right. Why wait any longer?' A feeling of determination rushes through me. 'I'll be sure to tell them real soon!'

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