Chapter 15- Memory #2

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The three of us turned heads at the sound of the voice. When I saw the person standing there, a wave of familiarity washes over me. Why does he seem familiar?

Then, it was like I was having sudden flashbacks...

Okay... I wasn't thinking of writing another memory this soon. BUT I had an idea and can only do it at this time. Soooooo here's a super mega early memory chapter!

A boring day, that's how it all started. Usually I'd be out playing with Shoyo, but he unfortunately had came down with a fever. Both our parents told us we couldn't play in fear of me getting sick as well. So now I'm stuck playing by myself at the park we usually play at. 

It. Was. So. BORING!

I've never realized how much of the fun would go away if Shoyo weren't around, I wish he wasn't sick. Now I'm sitting on a bench, swinging my legs back and forth, thinking of what I could do. "Hmmmm...." Nothing really comes to mind.

"Hey! What are you doing?" A voice questioned me. I was looking down at my feet earlier, but now I'm looking up to see who the unfamiliar voice belonged to. When I did, I see a tall looking boy with messy black hair. He looked like he may be older then me by a couple years.

I shrugged my shoulders at him. "I'm not doing anything. What are you doing?" I fired the question he asked me back at him.

He rested both his hands behind his head. "Nothing. Why are you just sitting around at the park? It's not a place where you do nothing."

I shrugged my shoulders again. "I don't have anyone to play with. My friend's sick sooooo..."

"Oh." He lets out. He then gets closer to me. "Do you want to play together then? I don't have anyone to play with either."

"Don't you have any friends?"

"I do! But he's back in Tokyo right now. I'm here visiting family." He puts his hands on his hips. "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. Who are you?"

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), I'm ten years old."

He suddenly pointed at me which caught me off gaurd. "Ha! I'm twelve, making me older then you by two years. Little kids must listen to the big kids."

I narrowed my eyes at him but I didn't say anything, instead I got up from my seat and stood in front of him. He tilted his head at me, wondering what I'm about to do. That's when I swung my leg back and kicked him in the shin. He yelped in pain and bent down to hold it. Bad move on his part though, because that allowed me the opportunity to grab him by the ear and give it a good hard pull.

"Ow ow ow!" He yelled out.

"Being older then me isn't going to stop me from hurting you." I let go and he backed away, hand on his ear, and looking at me in fear. (Hey that rhymed) I held up a fist. "Anger me again and I'll punch you in the you-know-where. No kids for you.~" (Seem familiar?)

He stared at me for a second before laughing out loud. "You're funny!"

"And I'm serious."

He didn't care for what I said. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to the playground area. "Come on, let's play (Y/N)!" My anger went away and I smiled, holding his hand back. 

What happened afterwards? Well, the time came when Kuroo had to leave to go back to Tokyo. I never saw him again. And I never thought I'd see him again...

...Hint at 'thought'...

Is that... Who I think it is? 

"Oh, Kuroo." Kenma said standing up.

My eyes widened. 'Then... It has to be him! I don't believe it...' I was staring at him in wonder.

The tall boy seemed to have noticed my staring and looked at me curiously. "Kuroo?" I didn't say his name, but mouthed it. He stared at me in confusion for a minute before his eyes widened. 'Does he remember me?' Soon though, his mouth formed into a smirk before waving my way. 'He does...'

Kenma walked up to him and waved goodbye to Shoyo and I. "See you soon, Shoyo, (Y/N)." The two went on their way. 

'See you soon?'

"Hinata. (Y/N)." Someone called out to us. We turned around to see Suga. "Man, I was looking all over."

"Sorry!" We both apologized.

On our way back to the camp for lunch, I had a smile on my face. Shoyo noticed. "(Y/N)? Why are you smiling?" He asked.

My smile just grew. "Oh, I'm just feeling happy today. That's all."

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