End 3: Ushijima: Finally...

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It was now the next day at around noon. All the girls had already gone home with things they needed to do. What was I doing? I was currently hanging out in my room on my bed. Actually, I also happen to be texting Ushijima. We were talking about a variety of things. Mostly about what had happened while we weren't around each other. He told me about the reason why he couldn't see me anymore back then.

Apparently at some point, his parents had gotten a divorce and his father ended up moving overseas. That would explain why he hasn't been able to come to the park, since his father was the one who always brought him there. At some point when we both got older, I guess we just never thought about going there on our own since neither of us thought we would see each other again anyway. But yet, here we are now!

At some point, my eyes wandered around my room and happened to land on the drawing that he made for me when we were kids, which was hanging on my wall. I decided to take a picture of it and sent it to him, with a text following after.

(Y/N): remember this?

Ushijima: you still have that?

I laugh to myself before responding.

(Y/N): yep!

(Y/N): I couldn't bring myself to throw it away.

Ushijima: why?

(Y/N): because you made it duh!

(Y/N): I missed you when you were gone...

(Y/N): I only had the picture that you gave me to remind me of you and the times we spent together.

(Y/N): I could never throw it away.

I didn't receive a message for a while. I was a little worried but then he finally responded.

Ushijima: Thank you.

Ushijima: I didn't realize you missed me that much.

(Y/N): That's fine!

(Y/N): I have you now right?

Ushijima: Yeah.

I was a little hesitant about what I was about to text next, but I did.

(Y/N): The first time I waited for you at the park after the last time we met up.

(Y/N): I waited for so long.

(YN): I waited for so so long thinking that you were just late. But I was willing to wait for you so we could play again.

(Y/N): At some point mom had to drag me home when it got late.

(Y/N): I was so sad and I missed you so much.

(Y/N): I never thought I would see you again.

After I finished texting, I didn't receive a reply for a long time. At some point, half an hour has past and there was still no reply from him. I was starting to regret texting him all that.






Ushijima: I'm waiting.

When I got the message, I read it over and over again. He's waiting? What did he mean? I kept looking at those two words and eventually understood. I quickly ran out of my room and put on my shoes. "I'm going out!" I shouted, letting my parents know that I was leaving.

I ran.

And I ran.

And I ran.

And I ran.

My legs were hurting but I didn't care. I ran to the one place that I could think of.

(Time Skip)




The Park...

When I got there I looked around. The same park didn't change much since the last time the two of us played here. Back then it was newer, but now it is older. Just like the two of us. 

 I thought this as I made my way over to Ushijima who was sitting on a bench. He stood up when he saw me.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

I remembered the memories of waiting so long only for him to not arrive. But... He's there... He's right there! And now I'm crying and running. He just wordlessly opens his arms and I nearly tackled him into a hug. We stayed that way for a while.

I know that we already reunited at his school. But meeting up here makes it feel more official. This time I actually feel like we really did, and finally reunite after all these years. 


I only moved away a little, only enough to still be in his arms. I looked up at him as he looked down at me. "I-I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." He says. The emotional moment brought forth more emotions that needed no words to help express them. The look in our eyes told each other everything, and our actions even more. A kiss was shared between the two of us. Playing house was now over, but now we can play the real thing.




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